As we have seen with the recent attacks on Sadhguru, attacks on Sri Sri Ravi Shankar over the years, and attacks on other Gurus going back as far as Swami Yogananda and Swami Vivekananda that the real issue is not these Gurus but Hinduism and its influence which is expanding across the world in some [...]
“India has been conquered once, but India must be conquered again, and that second conquest should be a conquest by education. … A new national literature may spring up, impregnated with Western ideas. … As to religion, that will take care of itself. The missionaries have done far more than they themselves seem to be [...]
Recently at a political event when a far-right Christian told Vivek Ramaswamy “Hinduism Is A Wicked, Pagan Religion, it’s completely incompatible with America.” and then asked to say who this God is. “Is it Waheguru, the one that was blasphemously prayed to at the RNC? Is it one of these other Hindu deities, or is [...]
South Asia Solidarity a Gunga Din(brown indian servents of the raj) Hinduphobic front for far-right Islamists and Christian fundamentalists who often use a Western European racist frameworks against Indigenous Hindus called out for a protest against Koenraad Elst, Prakash Shah and Rishi Handa’s talk at Queens Mary’s University in London recently . With a massive [...]
A true testament to the ability of these renowned Nepalese warriors is praise for their prowess from friend and foe alike. Indian Army Chief of Staff Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, once stated “If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or is a Gurkha.” Prince Charles once said, “In [...]