Growing up in San Bernardino in the 1980s a child of immigrants from Gujarat, India, Pixar Animation Studios artist Sanjay Patel straddled two worlds. Like many American kids of the era, he played with Transformers, watched Looney Toons cartoons and read Superman comics, but he also performed a daily Hindu ritual of meditation and prayer [...]
I grew up in a Muslim household. My dad is Muslim and my mum was a Hindu who converted to Islam. I was forced to go to the mosque and learn about Islam but I never really could take to it . Initially I tried my best to appreciate it but as time went on [...]
January 31, 2014
ReBorn Again Hindus
I began with a study of India based and primarily Hindu yogic teachings at a young age. I examined different paths of Yoga and Vedanta through several modern gurus, and took up various related meditation practices, much like what many Hindus in India usually do. Later after traveling to India, it became evident to me [...]
January 30, 2014
Vamadev Shastri
For several years now I have identified myself as a believer in Sanatan Dharma. Sometimes I feel comfortable referring to myself as a Hindu, and yet other times I feel quite uncomfortable. I’ll explain why shortly. Embracing the Hindu philosophy has been quite simple for me really. The moment I began reading The Upanishads something [...]