The election of Narendra Modi as the choice for millions in the world’s largest democracy is a bit galling to those whose concept of ‘democratic’ resembles Lenin’s armed force against the elected government of Alexander Kerensky in revolutionary Russia. Yet even before Modi’s election in what proved to be a pivotal moment in Indian democracy [...]
May 18, 2014
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, World Focus
Whenever the Indian elections are underway the western media is even more panicked than usual about the impending doom faced by the world’s largest democracy as it falls into the abyss of Hindu fascism, fundamentalism, nationalism, and other assorted ‘reactionary’ forces. The parrot-fashion use of such worn-out phrases and the lazy reliance on the chattering [...]
April 22, 2014
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, Archives
Modi and the media The international media are predictably on an anti-Modi crusade. They blame him for killing more than 700 Muslims in 2002 (not for the death of over 200 Hindus in the same riots, nor for the death of 58 Hindus in the Muslim attack triggering the riots), shortly after his accession to [...]
April 21, 2014
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
Update : Editors Note Its come to our Attention that HAF’s report Coalition Against Genocide didnt credit Abhimanyu Arjun who supplied them the information with a compiled 400 page report with detailed breakdowns of all the groups, their inter-connections, tax information, website profiles, This information has also been used by think-tanks in India and in [...]
December 16, 2013
World Focus