In reaction to Sriram Krishnan’s appointment by President Trump defended further by Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk has stirred up another round of Hinduphobic racist hate but not this time from the left wing but now from the right. Of course, we aren’t going to generalise all whites because many are also defending Hindus but [...]
After the amazing series of The Purge dystopian fantasy movies, it seems one last Purge sequel is left without the violence but instead with the intellectual purging of white supremacists in the academia and even the media who still think they have some superior rights to police those brown pagan heathen Hindu savages for surviving [...]
It’s not surprising these hinduphobic racists are mostly from the ‘left-liberal progressive’ clan calling other whites ‘far right’ because they do honestly believe they are so enlightened, civilised and floating up in the sky. Some are leaving X and even the US in protest as President Trump is coming in soon. You think to yourself [...]
South Asia Solidarity a Gunga Din(brown indian servents of the raj) Hinduphobic front for far-right Islamists and Christian fundamentalists who often use a Western European racist frameworks against Indigenous Hindus called out for a protest against Koenraad Elst, Prakash Shah and Rishi Handa’s talk at Queens Mary’s University in London recently . With a massive [...]
With its history of Hinduphobic racist hate, the BBC the paedophile HQ always goes very colonial when it comes to India, where suddenly they start looking dressed up like Robert Clive with their subservient Indians as 'yes sahib' Gungadins. [...]
When it comes to reporting on India or Israel then one doesn't have to be a Sherlock Holmes with a hat smoking a pipe digging deep to see the evidence, as it's so clear when racist prejudices against Jews and Hindus often resurface in the Western 'propaganda' media like we have seen recently over the [...]
Hinduphobia has many variations from religious and racist hate but most of all often disguised under intellectual camouflage by the academia, media, and political class across the left wing to the right wing. When all it takes is something very basic to trigger the deep-down hidden Hinduphobic racism as we see here displayed in this [...]
If the comedy can’t get worse, now we get another Gungadin Jouno propagandist called Siddhant Adlakha criticising Gungadin Dev Patel for not attacking imaginary Hindtuva- Hindu nationalism enough in his latest movie then goes into a total rant of pushing white racist narratives against Hindus reconstructed in a new mask of lefty/progressive/liberal talking points . [...]
Accusations of media bias are nothing new. But the BBC has been consistently negative in its reporting on India, especially with regard to Hindu issues. Although not alone in this, the BBC is a legacy brand that somehow awards itself a high degree of impartiality and integrity. That of course has become an unhealthy joke [...]
You always know after the left wing neo racists did their typical Hinduphobic outbursts that it’s not long before the right wing would start their typical Hinduphobic racist rants over PM Rishi Sunak praying at a Hindu temple followed by Hindus having fun celebrating a Hindu festival in UK going up and down on a [...]