Tuesday 18th February 2025,
HHR News

india supreme court

Video : Ex Indian Supreme Court Judge Says, He’s Scientific So Eats BEEF

Video : Ex Indian Supreme Court Judge Says, He’s Scientific So Eats BEEF

The Indian colonial state continues to provide us with first-class comedy with its abundance of high-level clowns coming out of its subservient colonial education system. [...]

August 8, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, World Focus 0

Turning Temples into Courts: Judges should not dictate religious practices

Turning Temples into Courts: Judges should not dictate religious practices

“Judges should not dictate religious practises. Political activists should not be allowed to use temples for political agitation.” – Dr David Frawley Visiting Hindu temples is an amazing experience, an inner journey through history, culture and cosmic dimensions. Each temple is profoundly unique with its own identity. Such temples represent one of the most important [...]

April 23, 2016 HHR Archives, India 0
HHR News