Even though the opposition are celebrating with their pot belly dance routine after gaining a few toilet seats, the message is very clear to the BJP who still retains power after losing Ayodhya to not take the Gods as fools. Yes, building temples are good but that alone is not going to save Hinduism. Sri [...]
Back in 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India condemned animal rights activist who have sought to protect cows from the butcher’s knife: “I feel really angry at the way some people have opened shops in the name of cow protection. I have seen that some people commit anti-social activities through the night, but act as cow [...]
With the continuous anti Hindu diatribe lead by the Western media covering the Indian elections has once again brought into the open the Hinduphobia prevalent in the West recycling misinformation and promoting well known Hinduphobes as ‘experts’ on India.. Recently BBCs Newsnight programme well known Hinduphobe William Dalrymple along with a new sidekick Anish Kapoor who [...]
Arun Ayyagari, an IT Manager in New Jersey, a staunch supporter of Narendra Modi and admirer of BJP has customized his car plate as ‘MODI PM”. He has devised this novel method to market and popularize Narendra Modi for PM. “That way whenever and wherever I travel, it automatically spreads Modi wave, without even me [...]
April 9, 2014
News updates
WASHINGTON: A US Congressional panel’s hearing on religious freedom in India came under fire from some of its own members on Friday. They called it an attempt to influence elections in India, even as Hindu activists in the US said the partisan event was aimed at undermining the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. The [...]
April 5, 2014
News updates