Thursday 13th February 2025,
HHR News


The Hindu Concept of Time : Part One

The Hindu Concept of Time : Part One

In general, the Eastern understanding of time is very subtle, and perhaps is only matched by some of the most recent theories of modern science. That time is relative, is well recognized, and the fact that the scale of time need not be the same everywhere is acknowledged. The time of the Gods for example, [...]

September 7, 2017 Guest Author Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduism and the World of Science, Spirituality/Culture 0

The Six ancient idols stolen from Ramanathapuram temple

The Six ancient idols stolen from Ramanathapuram temple

MADURAI/CHENNAI: Six brass idols and a spear were stolen from the 1,000-year-old Adhi Ratneswarar temple at Tiruvadanai in Ramanathapuram district on Monday night.  The idols stolen — of Vinayaka, Murugan, Bhavani, Sita, Chandrasekar (Shiva) and Soolapidari (Kali) — were one foot and two feet tall and belonged to the Pandya period. The theft was noticed [...]

April 22, 2015 HHR Archives, Articles, India 0

Sri Aurobindo and the Gita

Sri Aurobindo and the Gita

Of all Indian scriptures, the Bhagavat Gita has likely been the one most commented on. India’s sages, yogis, philosophers, thinkers have, as a rule, regarded it a sacred duty to add theirs to the long list of commentaries on these eighteen brief chapters from the Mahabharata—a mere 700 slokas which have left the deepest of [...]

April 15, 2015 HHR Analysis/Insights 0

Divine Shakti Slaying the Demons of Monoculture

Divine Shakti Slaying the Demons of Monoculture

The Great Vibration of Eternity, the Evolutionary Force that spins through all creation, the Primordial Power that ripples through all of existence, in every given moment of time, while working secretly in the soul of every aspiring man, is none other than the Great Mother- the Adi Shakti - who fashions the worlds and the [...]

September 25, 2014 Tina Sadhwani Archives, Shakti Unveiled : The Dawn of the Goddess 0

Tenth Day, the One of Victory

Tenth Day, the One of Victory

Devi Navaratri and Vijaya Dasami is one of the most celebrated for Hindus all over the world. There are several stories of victory, of the noble over evil, associated with Aswiyuja Dasami. The first ten days of this month are celebrated as Navaratri culminating in Dasami the day of victory. As per traditions these are [...]

September 23, 2014 HHR Archives, Shakti Unveiled : The Dawn of the Goddess 0
HHR News