South Asia Solidarity a Gunga Din(brown indian servents of the raj) Hinduphobic front for far-right Islamists and Christian fundamentalists who often use a Western European racist frameworks against Indigenous Hindus called out for a protest against Koenraad Elst, Prakash Shah and Rishi Handa’s talk at Queens Mary’s University in London recently . With a massive [...]
Around 2005 we had arranged a talk on the rise of the imaginary 'Hindu Nationalism' at the London School of Economics and had invited Academic Chetan Bhatt to give a talk who was under the impression probably because of our British accents that we were a bunch of colonised Hinduphobes like him, so he accepted. [...]
Dr Koenraad Elst and Ranbir Discuss the continuing Hinduphobia Denial by the right wing and even more by the left wing which has recently increased even more with Rishi Sunak taking control of the British Empire. Also discussed are the Aryan Race theories that are still being taught as fact. [...]
Hinduphobia is a modern term for a far more ancient practice. Hindu Human Rights have traced historical roots in their articles for religious persecution of Hindus since Islamic and British colonialisms.
The experiences of Hindus may have other terms to describe them. This list is an evolving document, set up to clarify the historical context for [...]
HHR met up with Dr Koenraad Elst at (SOAS) London University (hangout of hinduphobic academics) He gave an overview while sitting by Sage Thiruvalluvar on the 4 years of the BJP so far.
-Noise due to drunkard students in background in bar [...]
In this talk, the speaker deconstructs the ‘saintly’ personality of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and examines the causes behind his assassination. [...]
March 24, 2018
Dr Koenraad Elst
Archives, HHR Videos
Forty years later, ca. 1965, Deendayal Upadhyaya adopted the promising term "Integral Humanism", in Hindi Ekatmata Manavavad or Ekatma Manavadarshan. This seemed to transcend the division of mankind in box-type nations. Moreover, unlike nationalism, it did not seem to have been borrowed from the West, in spite of appearances. In the 1930s, the French Catholic [...]
November 19, 2017
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
For once, the secularists have it right. The nationalism by which the Hindutva crowd swears, is a Western invention. Feelings for your home country are universal, and natives of India will need no prodding nor any foreign or native ideology to defend their country when necessary. [...]
September 28, 2017
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
It doesn’t happen often, but here I must totally disagree with David Frawley ( Read : Hindus Need Long Term Political Strategy And Dharmic ). Or should I say: with the Sangh Parivar, for this is the standard argument I have heard from them for more than twenty years. The central refrain is “unity”. This [...]
April 23, 2016
Archives, India
Back in 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India condemned animal rights activist who have sought to protect cows from the butcher’s knife: “I feel really angry at the way some people have opened shops in the name of cow protection. I have seen that some people commit anti-social activities through the night, but act as cow [...]