Monday 17th February 2025,
HHR News

Martin Luther

Ayaan, Ambedkar And Ayodhya: The Clash Of Civilisations

Ayaan, Ambedkar And Ayodhya: The Clash Of Civilisations

Ayaan Hirsi Ali was born in Somalia but grew up in Nairobi. The Somali community in which she lived was infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood who transformed Ali and her teenage friends from believers into Islamic activists. Yet in 1992 she claimed asylum in the Netherlands as she escaped a forced marriage Following the 11 September [...]

February 8, 2024 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, News updates, World Focus 0

How the West Groomed Radical Islam Part 7 : The American Jihad Dream

How the West Groomed Radical Islam Part 7 : The American Jihad Dream

The very idea that western civilisation, and the United States in particular, could have nurtured radical Islam remains absurd in many quarters. Indeed it is America that is seen as the bulwark against jihad. How then could the leader of the free world, the founder of modern democracy, the nation that epitomises freedom, that in [...]

January 3, 2018 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, World Focus 0

When Monotheist Reformation turns into Deformation

When Monotheist Reformation turns into Deformation

With Iran being pressured over nuclear weapons, a chilling new video from the al-Qaida has asked Muslims in Kashmir to emulate “brothers” in war-torn Syria and Iraq and wage a violent jihad against India. It is fashionable among right-wing pundits to blame President Obama for the present victories by ISIS in Iraq. But then the [...]

June 21, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, World Focus 0

Secularism : A Christian Sect ?

Secularism : A Christian Sect ?

This will no doubt come as a shock to the advocates of secularism in India . Dawkins’ statement is a frank confession of how far from being devoid of ‘religion’, secularism has always been an intimate twin of Christianity. The term "secularism" was first used by the agnostic (not ‘atheist’) British writer George Jacob Holyoake [...]

June 3, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, News updates, World Focus 0

Should India be Secular or Hindu?

Should India be Secular or Hindu?

For Hindi Version go to : भारत का स्वरुप कैसा हो? सेकुलर या हिन्दू? “Hinduism, which is the most skeptical and the most believing of all, the most skeptical because it has questioned and experimented the most, the most believing because it has the deepest experience and the most varied and positive spiritual knowledge, that [...]

February 17, 2013 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 8
HHR News