Sunday 19th January 2025,
HHR News


Monotheistic depredations do not stop

Monotheistic depredations do not stop

Whether they admit it or not, lack of respect for other religions, particularly indigenous polytheisms, is a core tenet of monotheism (both Islam and Christianity).(1) One need only look at how both of these religions spread and gained power: by colonizing and destroying indigenous religions across the globe and by using terror and sometimes torture [...]

June 21, 2016 Guest Author Analysis/Insights, Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice 33

Narendra Modi and Barack Obama : A New Vision for Both India and World Hinduism

Narendra Modi and Barack Obama : A New Vision for Both India and World Hinduism

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United States brought about many glowing statements from the American government, both about Modi and about India. These included productive meetings with President Barack Obama, Vice-President Joe Biden, and Secretary of State John Kerry, who were quite elated with Modi’s visit. The camaraderie extended to Bill and Hillary [...]

October 7, 2014 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights, Articles 0

Is Hinduism a Monotheistic Religion ?

Is Hinduism a Monotheistic Religion ?

There has been a considerable debate extending from recent centuries to current interfaith dialogues as to whether Hinduism is a monotheistic religion, and if so whether Hinduism can perhaps be included among the great monotheistic traditions of the world.  This question of Hinduism and monotheism reflects certain preconceptions that should be carefully examined. First is [...]

August 26, 2014 Vamadev Shastri Spirituality/Culture 0

Religious curriculum: For polytheistic students, only monotheistic options

Religious curriculum: For polytheistic students, only monotheistic options

Hindu families have demanded that the provincial education ministry include the study of their religion in the curriculum for Hindu students in place of Islamiat or ethics. Ethics is a substitute subject for Islamiat that non-Muslim students are allowed to take. They complained that the problem persists from primary level, even at private schools, where [...]

April 27, 2014 HHR Archives, Pakistan 0
HHR News