Our Lord and Saviour Modi seem to have peeved off some Hindus when asking the audience if Incredible India is in those Stones and Murthis ? [...]
Our Lord and Saviour Modi seem to have peeved off some Hindus when asking the audience if Incredible India is in those Stones and Murthis ? [...]
Police arrested five minors boys on charges of vandalising more than 25 idols and sculptures at the Periyanayaki Amman temple near Tiruvarur on Tuesday. The boys were arrested after they broke the cement idols to steal iron rods kept inside the sculptures to buy liquor bottles. [...]
On Friday Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott handed over to his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi two antique statues of Hindu deities which were allegedly stolen from temples in Tamil Nadu before being bought by art galleries in Australia. During his meeting with Modi, Abbott returned the idols, one of which is a Nataraja –the dancing [...]
Sri Ramakrishna was one day taunted by a sceptic that the Kali he worshipped at Dakshineshwar was only a slab of black stone carved into a bizarre female figure and decked with glittering trinkets. The saint was taken aback. So far he had not cared to see the sacred icon in its supreme spiritual splendour. [...]