Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News


The Siamese Twins of Atheism and Christianity

The Siamese Twins of Atheism and Christianity

While atheism and Christianity may seem at polar opposites in mainstream discourse, the reality is that they are actually singing from the same hymn sheet when it comes to Hindus. The denigration of Hindu civilisation and culture to which the western world owes so much is enacted with the standard neocolonialist and racist mindset which [...]

January 18, 2014 Ranbir Singh Atheist Irrationalism 1

The Genius of the Hindu Mind: From Zero to Mars

The Genius of the Hindu Mind: From Zero to Mars

The outburst by India’s leading rationalists back in 2013 over K Radhakrishnan’s visit to the famous Lord Venkateswara temple in southern India needs to be examined. Radhakrishnan is chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisationand the head of India’s space agency, in fact the man responsible for launching that nation’s mission to the planet Mars. [...]

November 11, 2013 Ranbir Singh Archives, Atheist Irrationalism 0
HHR News