When the Portuguese came, St. Xavier wrote to the king of Portugal, his patron, "If there were no brahmins, all pagans would be converted to our faith." He hated them with hatred that evangelists alone are capable of. He called them a "most perverse people." Brahmins became a persecuted people. Next the British came. They [...]
The benefactors of the terrorists have become its new targets. Britain claims to be fighting a war against terrorism by groups that claim their basis is Islam. Yet for centuries going back to the British Raj it has actually allied, funded and acted as apologists for the very same outfits and ideas especially against Hindus [...]
Back in 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India condemned animal rights activist who have sought to protect cows from the butcher’s knife: “I feel really angry at the way some people have opened shops in the name of cow protection. I have seen that some people commit anti-social activities through the night, but act as cow [...]
Also read The Importance of Kshatriya Dharma [...]
April 3, 2016
Archives, HHR Videos
The concept of monotheism is taken to mean belief in just one god, deity, the creator. This is contrasted with polytheism which belief in many gods, as well as atheism which is denial of such a supernatural being. But is it just so simple? Has this monotheist narrative now spilled over into what we would [...]
May 12, 2015
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, Archives, India
Although far from uniform, the composite picture of Christianity that emerges in a number of Japanese sources from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries is of a Buddhist heresy propagated by barbarians and focused around the worship of a demonic deity.28 This sect encourages loyalty to a barbarian king said to be the representative of [...]
April 24, 2014
Recently we came across this article which talks about the growing assertiveness of Shintoists in Japanese politics which is quiet significant for Hindus though our people don’t realize it and we hope to rectify that here. Roots of State Shinto The roots of what is called “state Shinto” go back to the Meiji era (1868-1912) [...]
April 19, 2014
Today casteism is rampant. It is a new phenomenon. Old India had castes but not casteism. In its present form, casteism is a construct of colonial period, a product of imperial policies and colonial scholarship. It was strengthened by the breast-beating of our own “reformers”. Today, it has acquired its own momentum and vested interests. [...]
September 26, 2013
A nation’s theories about education depend upon its theories about man. Its definition and understanding of education depend upon its definition and understanding of man. If we regard man as a physical entity, our approach to education would be of one kind; if we regard man as a mental being, our approach would be of [...]
September 15, 2013
Analysis/Insights, Archives
The Ramakrishna debate, continued from part 1 The debate on the Ramakrishna Mission’s claim that Ramakrishna, the 19th-century Kali priest, also practiced Christianity and Islam, and that he distanced himself from Hinduism to found a new universal religion called Ramakrishnaism, has taken the form of some hostile reactions from sympathizers of the Mission. They may [...]
August 17, 2013
Dr Koenraad Elst