This book launch of ‘Rearming Hinduism By Prof. Vamsee Juluri opened up a hard-hitting in the face Hindu debate stirred up by guests Dr. Anand Ranganathan and J. Sai Deepak that was desperately needed for years, especially for calling out the weak BJP government that’s so far failed the Hindu community regardless of the Ram [...]
In this episode of Upclose, Vamsee Juluri, a Professor of Media Studies at the University of San Francisco, CA, engages in a thought-provoking discussion with Ashish Dhar about the new edition of his book, “Rearming Hinduism.” He explores the nuanced battlegrounds of academia, media, and popular culture where Hinduism faces a low-intensity cultural war. Through [...]
Day three on our twenty day tour to modern day India turned out to be a three hour drag at Delhi Airport while waiting for a connecting flight. As my son gorged on some western imperialistic junk food from its outpost in the airport lounge, the symbol of 'Developed' India most citizen’s brag about as [...]