Monday 10th February 2025,
HHR News


Video : Two More Sadhus killed in a country of a Billion Hindus

Video : Two More Sadhus killed in a country of a Billion Hindus

Shocking visuals of the attack emerged online last week in which angry residents of Gadchinchale village, armed with sticks and stones, attacked three men, one of whom was 70-years-old. [...]

April 23, 2020 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, News updates, World Focus 0

Haridwar: Sadhus threaten stir if Surya Namaskar not in Yoga Day event

Haridwar: Sadhus threaten stir if Surya Namaskar not in Yoga Day event

Haridwar: Sadhus and seers of Haridwar on Tuesday threatened to launch a countrywide agitation if ‘Surya Namaskar’ (sun salutation) is not included in the set of yogic postures to be performed on International Yoga Day slated for June 21. “We would not tolerate any compromise with Surya Namaskar which is integral to yoga. Those trying [...]

June 12, 2015 HHR Archives, India 0

Homosexuality and Hinduism: Beware of alien Christian morals

Homosexuality and Hinduism: Beware of alien Christian morals

“[Many Hindus] claim that having a liberal and enlightened attitude towards homosexuality means that we are giving in to Western influence and values. It is always intriguing when we hear uninformed people speak of homosexuality as a form of colonialism. Aren’t they aware of the apparent contradictions? Of all the institutions we have inherited from [...]

April 11, 2015 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Varanasi, India: “Beyond”

Varanasi, India: “Beyond”

“BEYOND” is an exclusive documentary featuring photographer Joey L. Set in Varanasi, India. The documentary by filmmaker Cale Glendening follows Joey and his assistant Ryan as they complete their latest photo series- “Holy Men.” Almost every major religion breeds ascetics; wandering monks who have renounced all earthly possessions, dedicating their lives to the pursuit of [...]

June 12, 2013 HHR HHR Videos 0
HHR News