Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News


Restoration Now!

Restoration Now!

In this article, Well known author Galina Krasskova examines how monotheism became the domain theme in our thinking, and how the deep spiritual beliefs of ancient and great civilisations were suppressed and obliterated with horrific violence. The same nefarious forces which now target Hindus committed crimes against humanity with their carnage and intolerance. It is [...]

May 5, 2016 Guest Author Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice, World Focus 1

The Making of ‘Secular’ Modi

The Making of ‘Secular’ Modi

The recent happenings in NIT Srinagar is the best example of how BJP practices secularism in the veil of Hindu nationalism. The row erupted in NIT, Srinagar when non-kashmiri students hoisted tricolour in response of celebration of India’s defeat against West Indies. When situation turned callous, police were called which had to lathicharge on the [...]

April 6, 2016 HHR Analysis/Insights, India, World Focus 0

The New Masks Of Colonialism : India’s Final Conflict

The New Masks Of Colonialism : India’s Final Conflict

Western colonialism did not die after the end of World War II when the West gave up its colonies. It merely changed to a more subtle form, which may prove more harmful to non-Western cultures in the long run.The expansion of Western culture has continued at an accelerated rate along with the denigration and decline [...]

February 19, 2016 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights, Archives, History, India 0

Hypocrisy of the Indian Left: Anti-Hindu and anti-‘fascist’-Modi

Hypocrisy of the Indian Left: Anti-Hindu and anti-‘fascist’-Modi

“The anti-Hindu Left retains a strong place in journalism and academia, which became entrenched during the long period of the Congress rule. We must remember that India’s Left holds positions far to the left of mainstream liberal political parties in the West, and uses the rhetoric of the communist era. The Left is upset that [...]

October 18, 2015 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

‘ We Are Spirits In The Monotheist World ’ : Part Three – The Emergence of the Devil

‘ We Are Spirits In The Monotheist World ’ : Part Three – The Emergence of the Devil

In civilisations and cultures without explicit good and evil there was no need for the Devil, Satan, Lucifer or just simply the ‘Evil One’. The demonology of one god thrust upon humanity by monotheism needed a polar opposite in the form of the Devil. Hence the inherent contradiction in which this supposedly superior belief in [...]

August 28, 2015 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights 0

Protesters throw chairs at Nepalese deputy PM, demand country become a Hindu nation

Protesters throw chairs at Nepalese deputy PM, demand country become a Hindu nation

KATHMANDU, Nepal — Protesters demanding that Nepal be turned back into a Hindu nation scuffled with police Monday and threw chairs at the country’s deputy prime minister when he was collecting suggestions on a draft constitution. About 200 protesters from Rastriya Prajatantra Party Nepal stormed into the national stadium chanting slogans as Deputy Prime Minister [...]

August 3, 2015 HHR Archives, Nepal 0

‘Secularism’ to go from Nepal constitution

‘Secularism’ to go from Nepal constitution

A majority of people wanted the word to be replaced by “Hindu” or “religious freedom,” according to Nepal’s Constituent Assembly In a major change, Nepal’s political parties have agreed to remove the word “secularism” from the new constitution. Nepal was declared a secular country in 2007 after Nepal’s hardcore Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist joined [...]

July 29, 2015 HHR Archives, Nepal 0

Go for the Hindu vote!

Go for the Hindu vote!

“The BJP, instead of trying to craft a secular face and hoping to regain the 8 per cent of the minority vote it lost in 2004, needs to consolidate its Hindu equity by 2014. Inclusive secularism is redundant. Obama won by polarising America. Narendra Modi is sure to polarise the Indian popular vote. Those who [...]

February 21, 2015 HHR Analysis/Insights 0

Defeat in Delhi : Wannabe Secularism Don’t Work for the BJP

Defeat in Delhi : Wannabe Secularism Don’t Work for the BJP

The BJP’s thundering defeat in Delhi was not due to any sudden merits of the Aam Aadmi Party, but to several problems inside the BJP itself. That much is not controversial. The debate is all about what exactly were the mistakes made. Campaign strategy – We need not spend many words on the poor campaign strategy, contrasting [...]

February 15, 2015 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights 0

Russia Today News: The Alternative Channel of Hinduphobia?

Russia Today News: The Alternative Channel of Hinduphobia?

 The anti-Hindu bias in western media outlets such as the BBC, CNN and Sky have been well-known. The situation was hardly likely to change for the better with Fox News and Al-Jazeera. Indeed it can be hard to differentiate between them. The BBC is regarded as establishment fodder, and with its ideological moorings to the [...]

October 12, 2014 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduphobia 0
HHR News