Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News


Video : Native Americans Call Out Barbie White Feminist Racism

Video : Native Americans Call Out Barbie White Feminist Racism

In the 'Aryan blond blue-eyed' Barbie, the movie, women, aka Barbies, are in charge in Barbie Land while in the real world, the Kens aka men rule the real world through the patriarchy. In a scene, a comparison is made about how Barbies haven’t developed “immunity” to patriarchy like “Native Americans [...]

August 18, 2023 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, Indigenous/Pagan Voice, News updates, World Focus 0

Junípero Serra to Francis Xavier : The ‘Saintly’ Vatican Criminals

Junípero Serra to Francis Xavier : The ‘Saintly’ Vatican Criminals

It is deeply regrettable that generations of American schoolchildren have been brainwashed into thinking that Father Junípero Serra was California’s benevolent founding father, a humble Franciscan monk who left a life of luxury on the island of Mallorca to travel to the farthest reaches of the New World and protect the natives from the worst [...]

September 24, 2015 Ranbir Singh Archives, Indigenous/Pagan Voice, World Focus 0
HHR News