Tulsi Gabbard gave an answer to all democrats and Media who are playing bigotry against #Hindus and #Hinduism, Article 6 of US constitution says no one should be judged based on religion. If they want to know anything about my personal spiritual path you are welcome on my account on @X to discuss more on [...]
Suhag Shukla @SuhagAShukla from HAF caught out Newsweek @Newsweek on it’s hit piece on Tulsi Gabbard @TulsiGabbard for taking her oath on the Gita which according to their highly intelligent fair judgement reporting made her a “Hindu Nationalist.” which means one of the humans sacrificing Thuggees from Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom. So [...]
It’s not surprising these hinduphobic racists are mostly from the ‘left-liberal progressive’ clan calling other whites ‘far right’ because they do honestly believe they are so enlightened, civilised and floating up in the sky. Some are leaving X and even the US in protest as President Trump is coming in soon. You think to yourself [...]
Counter-terrorism Analyst,Utsav Sanduja asks Tulsi Gabbard in a brief discussion about the persecution of Hindus and other minorities by far-right Islamists in Bangladesh. Video 1 ,Utsav’s Ask Questions Video 2, Tulsi Replies Follow https://x.com/UtsavSanduja More : Video : Donald Trump Calls Out The Attacks On Hindus In Bangladesh And Vowed To Strengthen US-India Ties If [...]
We are already aware of the Hinduphobic racist crime record of the left-wing secular church but we also need to call out the right-wing religious churches’ Hinduphobic hate of those heathen pagan Hindus by academics like Audery Trukshe along with right-wing pastors like Joel Webbon who is traumatized that Hindus are living in his neighborhood [...]
Hindus and religious minorities in Bangladesh continue to be targeted and persecuted, as they have been since 1971 when the Pakistani army systematically murdered, raped and drove from their homes millions of Bengali Hindus because of their religion and ethnicity. [...]
Far Right Religious bigot Sam Hesham Siddiqui working for Boeing openly calls Congresswoman Tulasi Gabbard a “Hindu bitch” and says she should be killed and sent to Hell. [...]
The Festival of the Chariots is sometimes referred to as Ratha Yatra, literally meaning Chariot Festival. Ratha Yatra originated 5,000 years ago in India, on the East Coast state of Orrisa, in a city called Jagannatha Puri.Follow me on this exciting adventure to Venice Beach, California where I meet other devotees, run into several hateful [...]
There's no other Hindu leader on the planet like Tulsi who is open about her Hindu identity in a very hostile environment and even then has a history raising Hindu causes over the years.
Modi don't even come close unless doing some cosmetics for Hindu votes like doing a folded hand dip in the kumbh [...]
In this era of supposedly free news and information we find that certain ‘dissident’ voices are ostracised and placed beyond the pale. Hence we have the case of Julian Assange.
He is not alone in facing the wrath of those who would rather that the public be kept in ignorance.
Then there is Tulsi Gabbard, Despite running [...]