Vamsee Juluri, Professor of Media Studies at the University of San Francisco, draws important lessons from Jonathan Haidt’s recent book, ‘The Anxious Generation,’ in which the author warns us of the direct negative impact of smartphone use by teenagers on the mental health of American teens. Vamsee Juluri explains how India is likely to follow [...]
Some Hindus had sent us a tweet by author Sahana Singh @singhsahana that highlighted a Hindu parenting debate video between Vijaya Viswanathan and Shoba Swamy @ShobhaSwamy6. They wanted to know what we thought about these issues discussed, especially as most of us are born and brought up in the West and never fell into the [...]
Your perception is completely wrong. It's a depiction of the Great Cosmic force Kali portrays her as being black as the night, moving over Shiva’s dead, white body. This portrayal uncovers the centrality of the two crucial parts of Reality. [...]
This may be the twenty-first century but demagogues like Gopal are essential if Cambridge University needs to continue with its revamped colonial mission to the uncivilised Hindu savage. Although she looks like the victim group, in mind she is the epitome of colonial racism. [...]