Tuesday 21st January 2025,
HHR News

Hindu Parenting Fails Not Because Of Wokeism But To Hindu Parenting

Hindu Parenting Fails Not Because Of Wokeism But To Hindu Parenting

Some Hindus had sent us a tweet by author Sahana Singh @singhsahana that highlighted a Hindu parenting debate video between Vijaya Viswanathan and Shoba Swamy @ShobhaSwamy6.

They wanted to know what we thought about these issues discussed, especially as most of us are born and brought up in the West and never fell into the trap of Hinduphobes but instead often took them on face to face as our parents encouraged us to do so from childhood or we wouldn’t be getting spicy samosas and mangoes while watching Scooby Doo or Sesame street for the day as punishment after school.

Shoba Swamy talks about the dangers of ‘wokeism’ once Hindu children enter college. She mentions that even though her daughters from a young age went to Chinmaya Mission’s Bal Vihar classes and learned Bharatanatyam, even when they visited India they still turned anti-hindu after falling victim to ‘wokeism’ in college as they got brainwashed by the fraudulent Equity labs.

Well, that’s not surprising because even if you snoop around on the profiles of several Indian Hinduphobes on Facebook and other social media you often find their parents being devout temple-going Hindus and their kids joining in Hindu activities to later turn into Hinduphobes.

Further in the debate, you would hope they would provide a cure and a defence against this Hinduphobic brainwashing that younger Hindus face exiting the doorsteps of their homes but again they seemed extremely clueless like most Hindus including the ones commenting below the video who don’t seem to understand what really takes place once their kids walk out that door.

Of course, we don’t totally blame them fully as they were not born and brought up in the West but then they do repeat the same mistakes proving they haven’t learned anything about Western culture spending all that time here, for example, Vijaya asks Shoba, did she give Rajiv Malhotra’s books to her daughter to read? She replied that her daughter wasn’t interested.

This is not surprising either as even though Rajiv Malhotra is doing some great work and his books should be read but still he’s not part of some East Coast hip hop group like old school Public Enemy on the streets rapping about Fight the Digestion against ‘Wokeism’ that lingers in the latest culture and fashion trends that the younger ( and even older ) generation fall under the influence of.

Even with new school, You’re not going to see Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran or Billy Elish singing or Drake rapping about how they got inspired by reading Rajiv Malhotra books to write hit tunes about Intellectual Kshatriyas, are you?


So Is ‘Wokeism’ The Problem?

Nope, because in the context of this debate blaming it on academic brainwashing is not where the problem starts as that’s a later stage because all roads don’t lead to Rome but they often lead to the Home where this Hindu weakness is planted in the minds of Hindu children in the first place by clueless Hindu parents.

Going to the temple, learning mantras in Sanskrit, learning Bharatnatyam, or being involved in Hindu festivals doesn’t create a strong Hindu identity but that’s just a cultural identity that has no substance for most. A friend of ours whose daughter attended Bharat Natyam classes at the Bharathi Vidhya Bhavan in London couldn’t believe the amount of Hinduphobic nonsense other girls often came out with because they were told that ‘Hinduism’ by their parents and even teachers had nothing to do with politics like the ‘Hindutva’ extremists keep raising but its but about culture and festivals. Worse Hindu festivals like Diwali or Holi have been turned into clubbing dance nights to get drunk and take drugs later.

Even back in school, Garba during Navaratri was known to be where you pick up girls. So Hindu or Sikh or even Muslim guys often turned up to pick up confused Hindu girls because this is what Hinduism has been turned into by Hindu experts who still go on about Hindu teachings is all about being a peacefool.

This ‘escapism’ means running away from the battle-type mindset as some great virtue where even in India the abode of a billion Hindus can’t stand up for themselves being 3rd class citizens.

And then this image of Hindus here is made even worse by going overboard with non-stop ego boasting about how we are the highest educated, we are rich, we have CEOS running all big companies, have the lowest crime rate and everyone is jealous of our success.

So basically India being once the richest country in the world caused so much jealousy across the globe that it ended up invaded by Islamic armies and finally the British because they were all jealous and hurt.

They’re the only community that never stops bragging about their high status like they’re addicted to cocaine even though out there right now many Hindus are struggling to make ends meet by working in warehouses, factories, and other places day and night. So they even build up resentment among other Hindus against them.

Often at the temple, we would hear an announcement to everyone about how that Hindu family’s son or daughters are doing so well in their studies going to top universities or having a big job to whom they would be presented a certificate.

They create this as some sort of resentment and competition putting pressure on their kids to be a ‘good’ Hindu you have to have top marks so Mrs Prem and Mr Chopra will praise you. So it’s not surprising suicides happening among some Hindu students who can’t live up to top marks to get a certificate of greatness from the Hindu community.

We had warned these Hindu organisations and leaders here decades ago to stop the over-the-top bragging about Hindu high status as it will be turned into high ‘Brahminical’ caste elitism by the enemy but they never listened and still don’t which is why they are continuously facing caste oppression accusations.

But, looking deeper into this mindset being from the West, you start to notice this collective Hindu mindset is built around wanting a very desperate pat on the back from the establishment, to then walk around on a red carpet to get flowers and praises from their Hindu circles.

It’s like they are standing outside the ‘No Dogs No Indians’ signboard at a club during colonial times in India. When suddenly, they get a chance to enter the club as an honorary white person, which in reality means the butler or waiter to serve beef laddu curry like this Chirag Pandya,a 30-year-old ‘Brahmin’ entrepreneur, who was once a pharmacist to become England’s youngest McDonald’s franchise owner.
And he’s loving the status as millions of cows are killed daily for burgers and probably their beef fat is sent to Tirupati temple for laddus.

We see this mindset even further with these self-appointed Hindu leaders getting their supporters to write letters to the royal family begging to be awarded an OBE they later flaunt around competing with each other. You see them getting over-excited in the US visiting The White House.

Around 2003 when we were giving a talk on Hinduphobia at parliament. The MPs told us there is no such thing as Hinduphobia because the Hindu leaders told them they don’t face discrimination as they are so high in status, rich, and doing well. Not forgetting these same Hindu leaders and experts at the time told us we shouldn’t do protests as Hindus we don’t break laws. We said in a democracy you are allowed to protest didn’t you know that? This is how clueless and subservient the mindset of many of these Hindus is.

That’s when you realize how ludicrous these Hindu leaders like most confused Hindus are thinking being awarded for being a butler and being accepted in this imaginary white man’s honorary club can’t handle the truth of Hinduphobic discrimination which has gone even worse now because it makes them feel inferior and not accepted in the club.

Most white people don’t give a crap that you have to prove yourself worthy to them and often have no clue why these Hindu leaders and Hindus behave like this. Of course, the political ideologues and the religious lobby across the right and the secular left exploit it to their advantage.

A white Hindu friend of ours was telling us how some new Indian worker with a Hindu background and recent from India kept on saying how he had a steak or a beefburger whenever they talked. He was so desperate to get a pat on the back from whites that he thought eating a steak would get him his status. Our friend one day said listen be ashamed of yourself as I’m a Hindu and I don’t keep telling me about your beef eating when you should know better. The Indian guy was in shock and horror and started talking about how Hindu he is and even fasts.

But it is this subservient behaviour that is promoted as being part of some moral and spiritual superior high ground as being the best Hindu which in reality is the very root of the mental virus that we class as the Butler Syndrome.

Yes, they may make it high on the hierarchy, but you are still a servant, only above other servants, like the Butler’s position often is. You are still conforming to the establishment. They have no clue how embarrassing and cringe-worthy they often come across to the outside world.

So for their kids to go anti-Hindu to become a Hinduphobic Uncle or Aunty Tom Dass is only a step away from becoming even more subservient to the establishment as we see with anti-Hindus from Indian Hindu backgrounds like Pankaj Mishra begging for acceptance by bashing those Hindu thuggees from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom while Arundhati Roy can say, ‘look I write in the civilized language of English and not in uncivilized pagan Sanskrit so please accept me in the club.’ !

This proves why there’s a thin line between a pro-Hindu butler and an anti-Hindu Gunga Din/Uncle Tom Dass all rooted in this confusing pseudo-Hindu culture and subservient Indian identity these Hindu parents often guide their kids into where being Hindu you break the coconut at the puja or to become anti-Hindu you become a coconut.

The collective Indian inferiority complex that these parents bring with their suitcases along with dhal, pickles, and rotis if they get hungry on the plane from India burdens their kids which is why we have fraudsters like Equity Labs and other Hinduphobes take full advantage of as 99 percent of the work has been done by Hindu parents, gurus and temple leaders already.

This is why we don’t see these CEOs like Sundar Pichai of Google or Satya Nadella of Microsoft or even Rishi Sunak the UK’s ex-Prime minister and many more ever come out to defend Hinduism when it’s under attack but often kiss the buttcheeks of Hinduphobes. This is thanks to the Butler syndrome implanted by their parents, who can then go around the temple and get praises thrown at them.

And when you dig even deeper this butler Hindu confused identity is part of the Indian identity still stuck in post-colonialism which is why to see how the British Raj operated in the past. So instead of visiting a museum or reading a book about it, just visit India and it is still operating.

This is also why it’s not surprising that India also produces the most Hinduphobes always warning us about the imaginary  ‘Hindutva ‘ Fascism and Supremacy because these Indians then feel they are superior to the ‘Hindu heathen savages’. One can see even in the West the Indians in anti-racism groups are the ones ranting on about Hindu supremacy the most because it makes them feel ‘white’ as it’s never been about being accepted as a brown Indian but its always been about being awarded as an honorary white person . So to feel this honorary ‘whiteism’ even more you become a Hinduphobic racist.

So What Is Wokeism?

Well, all it takes is a sniff when you realise it smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana meaning teenage rebel culture which these Hindu parents, or Hindu experts, gurus still haven’t worked out because teenage rebel culture is focused on rebelling against what they see as conformity to the ‘brahminical’ establishment which these Hindus and their elitism always comes across looking like the “Bourgeoisie” oppressing the “Proletariate”.

So their kids who already are brought up mentally passive and weak step out the door to go into a culture where this rebel culture starts and where everyone wants to be part of the strongest tribe in an imaginary rebellion, following the latest fashion trends and social causes to look cool, hip, dope and whatever word lingo or slangs to look up with the times.

Of course, on the positive side, this rebel counter-culture has brought out some of the greatest music, movies and other creative contributions and some have also done good for society. Still, there is a negative side where the manipulation starts with many falling under the influence of smoking, alcoholism, and drugs along with sexual exploitation as being seen as ‘rebellious’.

The music scene is often seen as part of this rebellion. But this is where political ideologues also start their manipulation promising a future utopia meaning in reality a dystopia. And with social media, it’s even easier to get to a mass wider audience to mind control like seeing how many are supporting jihadists over Gaza.

The so-called left/progressive whites suffering from white guilt and a white supremacy split personality like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde then take advantage of this culture by claiming they are anti-establishment and believe in equality, saving the planet, saving animals, fighting for the oppressed ect so they start the brainwashing of many younger generations.

So Hindu kids who are already brought up to be butlers and to take orders end up bullied and mocked for being Hindu.

Then on top of that, they start facing all the anti-Hindu propaganda. So to fit in these Hindu kids then turn anti-Hindu to stand up against imaginary oppression and the ‘Brahminical  Bourgeoisie ‘ establishment like all the other teenagers standing up against the establishment do.

But Muslims are a thousand steps ahead and you have to give them credit for it as they have understood this anti-establishment culture very well and know how to use Western rebellion talking points as a cover to push their caliphate establishment agenda as seen with mass pro-Palestine protests across universities campuses and the streets by the white ‘woke’ crowd who would be the first to executed if the caliphate took over.

So What’s The Cure?

Well, it starts with the mindset, one of the main common factors among our group and Hindu circles, is that from childhood were told by our parents about the persecution and genocides Hindus faced but were also told about the warrior resistance of Hindus as Hindu spirituality which encourages action, along with keeping physically fit, learning martial arts and other training. And always stand your ground defending Hinduism by learning it deeper and how it adapts to the modern world.

So mentally you already have a strong identity from childhood where often even back in school we would stand up against attacks and mocks on Hinduism as it’s a natural reaction to do so.

Then later coming across Sita Ram Goel, Ram Swarup’s works which boosted us also with more knowledge and to be more active on the ground. We had Hindu book stalls at universities and even on the streets selling these books while protesting.

The very few Hindu temples that allowed us did help sell many of these books. But being on the ground attracted the very Hindu generation to our protests and campaigns that these ladies are talking about going woke. Hindu young and older we observed are desperate for a strong, confident and assertive identity which they find when real ground action takes place.

That’s why no one at schools, colleges, or universities would be able to push their anti-Hindu agenda if our people were there and if they did we would be challenging them in the faces rather than hiding like most bringing up their kids as.

And in reality, the irony is Hinduism fits in very well in ‘rebel’ culture but overall with a positive message as we have seen in the past with so many Hindu gurus becoming part of counter-culture. But these Hindu experts are extremely clueless about how to use this rebel culture to their advantage but instead come across as the establishment’s butler in total cringe and nausea.

But then most Hindus even now are not even aware of the persecution and discrimination that Hindus have faced or think it has some remote issue to do with politics which is made worse with no Hindu temples, or Hindu leaders gurus or leaders, no memorials of the persecuted ect ever talking about the persecution of Hindus so when they hear about it later in their teens they think it’s all made up by ‘Hindu nationalist supremacists’ because Hindus have been always been privileged as mummy and daddy goes on about how great Hindus are which is why they end up doing events like Holi against Hindutva as Hinduism is about festivals and not some made up persecution.

Often at our protests or talks, we would meet Hindus who never knew about the persecution of Hindus till they came across us. And often they would say their temples never mentioned any of this. So again why blame the anti-Hindus when Hindu temples and institutions hardly bring up the history of genocides against Hindus?

For example even recently in 1971 over 2 million Hindus were killed by the Pakistani army and jihadists during the creation of Bangladesh. most Hindus next door in India have no clue. Can you imagine the Jews not being aware of the holocaust? never, but these Hindus are to blame themselves where even now hardly any temple raises these issues to the masses because it is run by total cowards to be blunt. Even though presently we are seeing Hindu protests across the world as a positive sign but it has to go much further.

This is why also professional Hindu academic think tanks are needed and financed to be set up and led by Hindus who are well versed with Western frameworks of how Hinduphobic narratives are constructed to expose them. Also needed are Hindu parenting courses, Hindu kids courses, Hindu teenage courses, and Hindu activism courses, but within the context of Western pop culture to show their relevance, especially to the younger crowd.

Academics and authors like Professor Vamsee Juluri, from the media studies department at the University of San Francisco who has released books like Rearming Hinduism exposing how these anti-Hindu narratives work within a George Orwell 1984 style of framing within a politically correct construct. Or academics and writers like Sarah Gates who dug up the history of Hinduphobia coined in the UK during the 1860s.

With enough resources, they could set up a professional academic base that would make a major impact to start with.

So Is Being Ambitious Careerwise Wrong?

Nope, nothing wrong with pursuing your ambitions and should be encouraged but the narrative of success is where the problem starts as it comes across as Hindus have always been privileged and never suffered but are so superior which is why they are so successful which backfires in their faces as we can see with the rise of Hinduphobia everywhere along with opening the myth of rich high caste brahminical caste oppression.

This mass ego bragging itself goes against Hinduism with so many examples in the Mahabharata, Ramayana and other Hindu texts saying keep that ego under control.

But instead what should be told is that the Hindu success story is also rooted in the survival instinct from history where facing mass genocides, persecution, slavery, forced conversions and looting pushed us mentally and physically to survive inspired by Hindu spirituality that gives the booster to fight on against all the odds.

Like, Krishna encourages Arjun to go into battle by facing his fears to give him the energy and skills to win rather than running away from them to overcome them.

From this mental and spiritual state, he triggers into action symbolised by a scene from Batman where he’s told to face his fears to give him the strength to beat them as he climbs to the top without the comfort of a rope. Once he’s at the top he throws down the ropes to free others, inspired by the Hindu spiritual mindset of helping others to climb up and be free because this is Dharma. Not forgetting that scene was filmed in India where he was liberated from the pit. That’s one of the ways the Hindu success story should be told.


This is why it’s common to see Hindus working 7 days a week in the day while attending colleges in the night to finally become successful once climbing out of the pit which is why this success narrative can be used as an advantage that fits into a rebel culture.

Even these Hindu ladies in focus can easily take over the so-called woke culture by going out and talking about women’s rights issues by bringing in the Hindu sacred feminine perspective or taking up ecological issues by bringing the Hindu concept of oneness with nature. There are many global issues that Hindus could be at the forefront of giving Hindu solutions and this way their own kids will become assertive in the Hindu identity beyond the doors of their homes.



Use of the term ‘Hinduphobia’ – 1866-1997

Video : ‘Rearming Hinduism’ – Book Launch Opens Up The Best Hindu ‘Controversial’ Debate In Years

Video : Vamsee Juluri Debate On The Rise Of Hinduphobic Neo-Colonialism

The ‘Hindoo’ Colonials

Hinduphobic ‘Stephens’ Protesting Against Proclamation Condemning Hinduphobia

Video : Hindu Mayas Of Grandeur Proves Maya Exists.

Video : Hinduphobia – A Media Studies Perspective by Professor Vamsee Juluri

The Hindoo Colonials Part 2 : A Model Minorty’s Self Delusion Of Grandeur

Our Propaganda, Their Propaganda

Video : Hinduphobia and HHRphobia : The Unlikely Pair

Video : Hindoo A-Holery Has Landed Announcing There Is NO Hinduphobia

Video : Hinduphobia in Pop Culture – Vamsee Juluri

Video : A Thread On Amber Heard Turns Into Hinduphobic Racist Hate

Hindus, Learn To Walk The Talk Like Devang

‘It’s Not Hinduphobia’ claim confused Hindu Twitterati and YouTubers

Video : Largest Hindu Temple To Open In US But Where’s The Exhibit On Hindu Persecution ?

Hindu Orgs That Demand ‘Money, Money, Money Should Be Held Accountable For The Rise Of Hinduphobia

Video : Why Does Rajiv Malhotra Keep On Claiming He Coined ‘Hinduphobia’ ?

Video : “Cowardice Is Not Dharma” – Dr. Sonal Mansingh


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