Tuesday 21st January 2025,
HHR News

Construction of a pagan temple to begin in Reykjavík next month

Construction of a pagan temple to begin in Reykjavík next month

Plans to begin construction of a pagan temple in Öskjuhlíð hill, Reykjavík, have been set in motion. This will be the first pagan temple to be built in the Nordic countries in nearly a thousand years, said the alsherjargoði Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, head priest of the Icelandic Ásatrúarfélag, in an interview with RÚV

Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, ásatrú, alsherjargoði, ástatrúarfélag


The Ásatrúarfélag applied for a plot of land to construct a temple in 2006 and was allotted a piece of land in Öskuhlíð in 2008. The 350 square metres (3767 sq ft) temple will have a vaulted ceiling and seat around 250 people. Its construction will be completed next year.

The Icelandic Ásatrúarfélag is an Icelandic Germanic Neopagan religious organization founded in 1972. The organization conducts ceremonies such as marriages, name-giving ceremonies, and burials.

According to former high-priest, Jónína K. Berg, ásatrú is a polytheistic belief and its followers “are a part of the earth and not its master.”

The "hof" is de­signed by ar­chi­tect Mag­nús Jens­son and will be the first one in North­ern Eu­rope for around 900 years. De­sign/​Mag­nús Jens­son

The “hof” is de­signed by ar­chi­tect Mag­nús Jens­son and will be the first one in North­ern Eu­rope for around 900 years. De­sign/​Mag­nús Jens­son

by Iceland Magazine

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