Definition of a Colonised Person A colonized person is a person who is disconnected from his or her Roots (History, Religion, Culture etc), they grow up watching, reading, consuming western content; In universities they study western philosophies, so they start looking at the world from the lenses of western world and western philosophers [...]
July 27, 2015
Some sixty to forty years ago, the Jan Sangh, precursor of the BJP, was 100% in favour of the replacement of English with a native language. Because the Constituent Assembly had opted (by a single vote) for Hindi rather than Sanskrit as the “link language”, it became a pro-Hindi party, but in their hearts many [...]
August 14, 2014
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
Anti-Hindu writers love to portray Hindu revivalism as a form of “fascism”. Given the Hindu movement’s record of service to democracy and abiding by democratic norms, they have a hard time sounding serious. Fortunately for them, they find perfect allies in the rare but vocal Hindus who do applaud Adolf Hitler. [...]
June 10, 2014
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
Pandit Vamadev Shastri shows how western academics and Indologists lack the insight to the deeper meanings behind Vedic Symbolic Language used in the Vedas to come to their conclusions. The Twofold Modern Denigration of the Vedas: Historical and Spiritual The nineteenth era marked a twofold assessment of Vedic culture that arose from western scholars and [...]
April 4, 2013
Vamadev Shastri
Analysis/Insights, Archives
Dr Koenraad Elst puts forward his view there is no mention of Reincarnation in the Rig Veda. We will follow this up in part 2 to see if if it is mentioned : No rebirth in the Rg-Veda In my article about Sati, I had written that Sati dates back to the time when the [...]
April 4, 2013
Dr Koenraad Elst
Analysis/Insights, Archives
Kancha Ilaiah is professor and head of the department of political science at Osmania University , Hyderabad . He is perhaps best known for writing Why I am not a Hindu in 2007. Anyone approaching this work with the prior knowledge of Bertrand Russell (Why I am not a Christian) and Ibn Warraq (Why I [...]
April 28, 2012
Ranbir Singh