Thursday 13th February 2025,
HHR News


Video : ‘Beef Has Nothing To do with Religion,Its a lifestyle choice ‘ Says, Cringe Incarnate Ram Madhav

Video : ‘Beef Has Nothing To do with Religion,Its a lifestyle choice ‘ Says, Cringe Incarnate Ram Madhav

We met Ram Madhav some years back and within seconds were enlightened faster than Gautaum Buddha did in 49 days to get to a higher realization that soon as this BJP/RSS man with extended Hitler mustache opens his big gob he enters into the Guinness books of records as the worse PR man in history. [...]

May 19, 2021 HHR HHR Videos, India, News updates, World Focus 0

Gujarat to punish cow slaughter with life sentence

Gujarat to punish cow slaughter with life sentence

Gandhinagar: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Gujarat on Friday enacted a harsher law, with the provision of life sentence for those found guilty of cow slaughter, making it the first state in the country to do so. [...]

March 31, 2017 HHR Archives, India, News updates 0

Beef thrown in temple: Bengal govt worried as communal clashes spread to Kolkata

Beef thrown in temple: Bengal govt worried as communal clashes spread to Kolkata

Alampur, a locality on the western edge of Kolkata’s Metiabruz area, continues to be tense since January 23 after some chunks of beef were allegedly thrown into a temple. No arrests have been made so far. [...]

January 28, 2017 HHR Archives, India 0

Hindus urged not to donate new five pound note at Hindu temple

Hindus urged not to donate new five pound note at Hindu temple

A Hindu temple has urged worshippers not to give new five pound notes in donations after the Bank of England confirmed they contain animal fat. The notes are made from small amounts of tallow, derived from animal waste products, which has angered a number of groups who are against animal harm. Vibhooti Acharya, president of [...]

December 1, 2016 HHR News updates, World Focus 0

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part Two

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part Two

In India's case we have William Dalrymple, a complete social misfit in his own native land, so he decided to transplant himself in the same manner which bubonic plague once ravaged Europe by hitching a free ride on fleas infesting rats. Dalrymple has suddenly become the spokesperson on what he calls Hindu 'extremism' when he [...]

October 22, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

Missionary paraded on streets for ‘converting’ Hindus to Christianity, forcibly making them eat ‘beef’

Missionary paraded on streets for ‘converting’ Hindus to Christianity, forcibly making them eat ‘beef’

Orai: Of late, religious conversion and beef have been in the news for different reasons. Now, the issues once again made headlines on Friday when a man was tonsured, garlanded with shoes and paraded on the streets as he had allegedly converted three Hindu men to Christianity and forcibly made them consume beef. According to [...]

January 30, 2016 HHR Archives, India 0

BJP got Rs 2.50 crore in donations from firms exporting buffalo meat

BJP got Rs 2.50 crore in donations from firms exporting buffalo meat

“Significantly, PM Narendra Modi had made beef exports an election issue. In a poll rally in Nawada, Bihar, in April 2014, he had referred to ‘pink revolution’. More recently, incidents like the Dadri lynching and the Kerala House raid had led to a debate on ‘intolerance’ with several BJP members speaking against consumption of beef.” [...]

December 17, 2015 HHR Archives, India 0

Did Vedic Hindus really eat cow ?

Did Vedic Hindus really eat cow ?

Under the pretext of disseminating true knowledge about the past to young, impressionable school children, a perverse assault has been launched upon the religious sensitivities of the Hindu community. Marxist historians allege that ancient Hindus ate beef, that this is recorded in their sacred scriptures, and that this should be taught to school children. The [...]

October 17, 2015 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture 0

No Beef Eating in Hinduism : Time to end the mischief

No Beef Eating in Hinduism : Time to end the mischief

LAST week I wrote about a group that was determined to prove that Hindus had always killed cows since the Vedas had allowed it. To support their assertions, practically every Sanskrit shloka has been mistranslated in order to fit into the theory. I spent five years looking at translations when I wrote my dictionaries on [...]

October 9, 2015 HHR India 0

Stop Eating Mother Cow to Save Mother Earth

Stop Eating Mother Cow to Save Mother Earth

Well We Hindus don’t want to say we told you so but we are going to say it anyway ‘WE TOLD YOU SO’ Even after the outbreak of mad cow disease (BSE) or in humans known as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD or nvCJD from beef consumption things have gone from bad to worse where now [...]

July 26, 2014 HHR Archives, News updates 0
HHR News