Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News


Neo-Brahmin Supremacy Exposed

Neo-Brahmin Supremacy Exposed

In the 2001 film, The Believer, a former Jewish student in a New York yeshiva becomes a Nazi skinhead who wants to exterminate his own community. The movie is based loosely on the life of Dan Burros. Born to Jewish parents, he attended a Hebrew school and had his Bar Mitzvah. Later he joined Lincoln [...]

October 8, 2022 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Articles, News updates, World Focus 0

Direct Action Day in Leicester

Direct Action Day in Leicester

The present street jihad in Leicester has either been blacked out by the media or blamed on Hindu ‘extremists’. Perplexed as to the reasons for the disturbances and trying to evade the obvious source, various reasons have been put forward. In doing so even right-wing media such as the Daily Mail have quoted active cyber [...]

September 18, 2022 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, History, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : ‘ Hinduphobia is a Crime’ Protest at the Guardian Newspaper HQ, London

Video : ‘ Hinduphobia is a Crime’ Protest at the Guardian Newspaper HQ, London

Hindu Human Rights staged a protest outside that mouthpiece of liberal opinion, the Guardian. Liked by all the progressive types and well-meaning but misguided utopianists who think they can remould the world, this hate propaganda machine spews some of the vilest Hinduphobia in existence. In the past, such newspapers would have used openly racist and [...]

October 12, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Activities/Press releases, HHR Videos, News updates, World Focus 0

Press Release : HHR Press Release: Protests against Global Hinduphobia outside the Guardian and the High Commission of New Zealand on 3 October 2021

Press Release : HHR Press Release: Protests against Global Hinduphobia outside the Guardian and the High Commission of New Zealand on 3 October 2021

For the second generation of immigrants growing up in Britain, violence from neo-nazi groups such as the NF, BNP and Combat 18 was a regular if not daily hazard. Add to that the more general racism that pervaded life. This is where it starts from. The fanatic ideological commitment to vilify an entire community or [...]

September 11, 2021 HHR Archives, HHR Activities/Press releases, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0
HHR News