Thursday 13th February 2025,
HHR News

gau rakshak

Video : Animal Rights Activist Murdered by Cow Smugglers

Video : Animal Rights Activist Murdered by Cow Smugglers

An Animal Rights activist known as 'Gopal' was shot dead by Cow Smugglers while trying to rescue cows. His murder adds to a long list of violent crimes against Animal rights activists committed by cattle smuggling networks in India. 35 year old Gopal a father of three girls, was tipped off about a truck [...]

August 1, 2019 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, India, News updates 0

Video : How Cows Are Smuggled to the Slaughter House in front of ‘Hindu Majority’ India

Video : How Cows Are Smuggled to the Slaughter House in front of ‘Hindu Majority’ India

Video showing how Cows who Hindus claim to respect like a mother let them get tortured and smuggled out to slaughter houses.Forget the karma of the ones who torture and butcher these innocent animals but its the karma that's coming for most Hindus who let it all happen in the first place or don't come [...]

June 9, 2019 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, India, News updates 0
HHR News