Sunday 16th February 2025,
HHR News


Time For The New Age Gurukula

Time For The New Age Gurukula

The Gurukula today that our generation of Hindus are trained in western thought cause of the language we are schooled in is English successfully isolating us from the Indian world view, further unlike our parent or grandparents who got their sanskara from their elders orally like doing the evening prayers etc, we lack all of [...]

June 24, 2016 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

The Hindu View of Education

The Hindu View of Education

A nation’s theories about education depend upon its theories about man. Its definition and understanding of education depend upon its definition and understanding of man. If we regard man as a physical entity, our approach to education would be of one kind; if we regard man as a mental being, our approach would be of [...]

September 15, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0
HHR News