Sunday 16th February 2025,
HHR News

hindu caste system

The Hinduja Court Case Crimes As Expected Gets Blamed On ‘Caste’

The Hinduja Court Case Crimes As Expected Gets Blamed On ‘Caste’

Four members of Britain’s richest family the Hindujas rightfully got jail sentences of up to 5 years in Switzerland for exploiting servants. But we had our bets on early that give it a few minutes and suddenly all this will be blamed on ‘caste’ to bash Hinduism over.  And again we were proved right as [...]

June 22, 2024 HHR Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

British Broad (Caste)ing Corporation’s Racist Obsession with ‘Caste’

British Broad (Caste)ing Corporation’s Racist Obsession with ‘Caste’

Just two days ago the BBC put on its website the ominously entitled “What is India’s caste system?”. A rhetorical question indeed because anyone familiar with the BBC’s constant anti-Hindu bias would already know exactly where that sort of vitriol was headed; blame directly apportioned to Hinduism, Hindu beliefs, Hindu civilisation and especially Hindu texts. [...]

February 27, 2016 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Hinduphobia, World Focus 0

Ambedkar was wrong about Hinduism and Hindu ideologues are wrong about Ambedkar

Ambedkar was wrong about Hinduism and Hindu ideologues are wrong about Ambedkar

“Succumbing to a colonial orientalist discourse rooted in Christianity, Ambedkar pleads for the eradication of all characteristics that distinguish the Hindu traditions from this religion. … Consequently, no matter what they may write about Hindu unity and such like, Ambedkar and his followers are advocating one simple message: Indian culture deserves destruction. … Our cultures and [...]

October 1, 2015 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0
HHR News