Students from the University of California, Berkeley held a vigil for Hindu victims in Bangladesh. More Video Updates – Protests Spreading For Bangladeshi Hindus Across The World Video : Islamist’s Attack Hindu Temples and Kill Hindus In Bangladesh Hindu Genocide in East Bengal ’71 The Hindu Genocide that Hindus and the World Forgot Video : [...]
Sometime back someone we know had asked a well-known US Twitter Hindu influencer to do a public protest against some anti-Hindu issue but she refused saying she doesn’t do that type of stuff on the streets. This is a reflection of a larger problem with many Hindus who think they are above it all because [...]
Hindus continue to face persecution in India the abode of one billion Hindus where Hindu students at the Vansthali Public School in Delhi faced gungadin teachers called Anoop Rawat and Ravi tearing up pictures of lord Rama, cutting their sacred threads and punishing them further for wearing tilaks and saying Jai Sri Ram !. #JaiShriRam [...]
Karan Kataria, an Indigenous Hindu from Haryana, got disqualified from running for the post of General Secretary of the LSE Students’ Union after a Hinduphobic smear campaign was launched against him because of his Indian and Hindu identity. I have faced personal, vicious, and targeted attacks due to the anti-India rhetoric and Hinduphobia. [...]
Hindu students gave flyers at New College, Oxford University, urging action against the bigoted and derogatory comments of resident Gungadin Abhijit Sarkar. They ask, does Sarkar uphold the values of this prestigious college? [...]
Hindu Youth lead the way to facing up to religious and cultural challenges, in the Information age of the 21st Century. Student members of Hindu Human Rights and the Hindu Students Society of the London School of Economics hosted the first ever student inter-faith dialogue in early 2005. The debate was Titled : What does [...]