Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News

hindus persecuted

Video : Police Ask Hindus To Remove Hindu Deities Out of View From Their House Windows

Video : Police Ask Hindus To Remove Hindu Deities Out of View From Their House Windows

In a country of a Billion Hindus, the West Bengal Police telling a group of Hindus to remove Sri Ram’s murti out of view from inside their houses as it might hurt someone’s feelings if they see it walking past outside with their shopping from the local paan shop The Indigenous Hindus say’s, “Where the [...]

April 7, 2023 HHR Archives, Articles, News updates, World Focus 0

What Happened to 6 year old Vijanti Meghwar ? Her Uncle Speaks

What Happened to 6 year old Vijanti Meghwar ? Her Uncle Speaks

Sent to HHR by Phulloo Megwar the Uncle of  Vijanti unfolding the series of events that lead to her tragic ordeal. “Vijanti,6 year old daughter of poor labourer Munwar Meghwar Meghwar, residing in Ghulam Nabi Shah a small town of district Umerkot , Sindh Pakistan. On the unfortunate evening of 4th December 2012, she was [...]

December 14, 2012 HHR News updates, Pakistan 0
HHR News