In February 2023 actor Prakash Raj called The Kashmir Files ‘one of the nonsense films’. He also criticised Vivek Agnihotri. Last year, Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid commented on The Kashmir Files calling it “vulgar” and “propaganda” during the 53rd International Film Festival of India’s closing ceremony. In March 2022, Time magazine even compared Kashmir Files [...]
As expected from Cambridge and Oxford rooted in white colonial racism and now in bed with far right Islamo - fascists as Vivek Agnihotri explains [...]
In line with its usual spewing of anti-Hindu hatred and crass racism the BBC has claimed that in America, Indian immigrants have brought with them the noxious ‘Hindu’ caste system. Indeed this poison has reared its ugly head in Silicon Valley of all places where Dalit staff have been subjected to humiliation based on caste. [...]
Russian dolls are a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside another. Unpackaging Russia itself has been an issue for western commentators.
It was after all Winston Churchill who defined Russia as "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma," and his words in 1939 spoke eloquently to the Western sense of [...]
A local Truck Driver Surjit singh was targeted and killed by far right islamists in South Kashmir [...]