Unfortunately, the Hindu Delusions of Grandeur have been reflected once again in Priyanka Deo's latest video about the Mount Everest's peak of success of Indians meaning really the Hindus around the globe.
We often see confused Hindus thinking the attacks on them are because of 'jealousy'. [...]
When a tech billionaire and hard-headed pragmatist seems to reprise the ancient Indian concept of maya, or illusion, it’s time to shut up and pay attention.
When the film The Matrix was released in 1999, its central premise, that the world is not what it seems to be, appeared to reprise the ancient Indian concept of [...]
‘Thus, Maya is not an ignorance, a separation from the totality of the truth, but a transcendental power that is the expression of a divine integral knowledge, where each and every force and form that manifest is united in a totality of truth.If I see a beautiful painting, it is not an illusion that separates [...]