Sunday 16th February 2025,
HHR News

Hindu Wisdom

Ten Dharmic Steps to making the Lockdown work in your favor

Ten Dharmic Steps to making the Lockdown work in your favor

If you’re living in any one of the major countries in this world and reading this article, chances are that you’re living under a lockdown of some sorts. While the definition of a lockdown may differ from one country to the other, one thing is for sure that you’re movement is definitely restricted. Here are [...]

May 18, 2020 Guest Author Archives, Articles, Hindu Wisdom, Spirituality/Culture 0

Upholding Dharma

Upholding Dharma

The Kurukshetra war was on in full swing, and as it progressed, the losses for the Kauravas increased. Duryodhana began to suspect that Bhishma’s loyalty to the Pandavas had resulted in his fighting half heartedly. Accused of being disloyal to the side he was fighting on, Bhishma got angry. He told Duryodhana that he would [...]

June 14, 2016 HHR Archives, Hindu Wisdom 4

The Symbolism of the Churning of the Ocean

The Symbolism of the Churning of the Ocean

One of the most famous stories of Hinduism is that of the Great Churning of the Ocean by the Devas and Asuras (Gods and Demons) in the quest for the Nectar of Immortality. This tale has deeper dimensions, capturing insights into the nature of existence that the ancient Rishis (sages) discovered in deep meditation. All of [...]

September 2, 2015 Rajesh Patel Archives, Hindu Wisdom 0

Emptying the Sea to fulfill One’s Divine Task

Emptying the Sea to fulfill One’s Divine Task

Once two partridges, a husband and wife, were going on a trip. Before they left, the wife laid some eggs near the ocean. Then the husband said to the sea, “We are going on a sea voyage. You must take care of these eggs for us. if we don’t find the eggs when we return, [...]

March 30, 2015 HHR Archives, Hindu Wisdom 0

Divinity lies within us all

Divinity lies within us all

According to an old Hindu legend, there was a time when all human beings were gods, but they abused their divinity. So, Brahma, the chief god, decided to take the divinity away from them and hide it somewhere they could never find it. Brahma called a council of the gods to help him decide where [...]

April 24, 2014 HHR Hindu Wisdom 0

Shape Shifting World of Maya

Shape Shifting World of Maya

‘Thus, Maya is not an ignorance, a separation from the totality of the truth, but a transcendental power that is the expression of a divine integral knowledge, where each and every force and form that manifest is united in a totality of truth.If I see a beautiful painting, it is not an illusion that separates [...]

December 14, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hindu Wisdom, News updates 0

God Helps those Who Helps Themselves

God Helps those Who Helps Themselves

A devotee of Hanuman was once driving a cartload of grain to the market. On the way, one wheel got stuck and the cart could not be drawn forward. The cart slanted too, and a few bags fell on the ground. The devotee sat on the cart and started praying to Hanuman. He completed chanting [...]

September 20, 2013 HHR Archives, Hindu Wisdom 0

Shri Hanuman Vadvanal Stotram (Hymn)

Shri Hanuman Vadvanal Stotram (Hymn)

This stotra is in Sanskrit and it is creation of Vibhishana- Ravana’s brother. Initially this stotra starts with praise of shri Hanuman admiring his virtues and describing his tremendous power. Then very wisely, God Hanuman is requested by the devotee to remove all the diseases, bad health and all sorts of troubles from the life. Further God [...]

July 25, 2013 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, Hindu Wisdom, Spirituality/Culture 0

Kama Deva – The God of Divine Love

Kama Deva – The God of Divine Love

The Eros of the Greek, the Cupid of the Romans is known as Kama Deva in Hinduism. Kama Deva is represented as a handsome, winged young man who wields a bow and arrow..  His lethal weapon of love is a bow made of sugarcane with a string of honeybees and the arrows are adorned with [...]

July 19, 2013 HHR Hindu Wisdom, Understanding hinduism 0

Devotion of the Squirrel

Devotion of the Squirrel

When in order to reach Lanka, Lord Rama was getting a bridge built over the Indian Ocean, millions of members of the monkey army were gathering large stones and mountains for the construction. When the monkeys were busy constructing the bridge, a little squirrel busied itself in carrying small pebbles to the site of construction. [...]

June 9, 2013 HHR Hindu Wisdom 1
HHR News