There are many reports coming across India of attacks on Hindus celebrating Ram Navami the birthday of Lord Rama by far-right Islamo – extremists. Remember Direction Day and other attacks on Hindus were done during pre-Partition in 1946 as part of a well-coordinated plan by right-wing Islamists before there were any social media and it [...]
An ISKCON temple has been vandalised in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka just a night before the festival of Holi. A mob of 200 miscreants attacked the temple, desecrated the idols & looted it. 3 devotees sustained injuries in the incident. Radharamn Das, the vice-president of Kolkata ISKCON has condemned the incident. He requested the Bangladesh govt [...]
According to the report, the local police station chief said that the attackers on Friday stabbed an executive member of the temple committee to death. Two Hindu men were killed in Bangladesh amid ongoing violent attacks against the religious minority community in the neighbouring country. The latest spate of violence occurred in the southern town [...]