Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News


Star Wars : The Yoga of Yoda by Dr. Jeffery D. Long

Star Wars : The Yoga of Yoda by Dr. Jeffery D. Long

As Hindu spiritual and philosophical concepts reinvent themselves in Western pop culture Dr. Jeffery D. Long gives a insight of this influence in the iconic Star Wars Saga with his talk “The Yoga of Yoda” [...]

December 25, 2017 Guest Author Archives, HHR Videos 0

De-colonization As De-contextualization: Why The ‘Cultural Appropriation’ Argument Is Not About Yoga

De-colonization As De-contextualization: Why The ‘Cultural Appropriation’ Argument Is Not About Yoga

To my chagrin and dismay, self-appointed defenders of oppressed cultures who cast contemporary western yoga as the second coming of the East India Company have attached themselves to the fabric of yoga discourse with the stubborn persistence of a burr on a sock. Consequently, perfectly serviceable yoga programs are now at risk of being run [...]

December 26, 2015 Guest Author Archives, The Yoga Snatchers 0

Why Western Women Embrace Hinduism ? Part 1

Why Western Women Embrace Hinduism ?  Part 1

Since time immemorial there have been strong and influential Western women who have been drawn to and been inspired by Hinduism, and who have taken up the mantle of Hindu Dharma, becoming great leaders, swaminis, and gurus as keepers and vanguards of this ancient culture. [...]

March 7, 2015 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture, World Focus 1

Quantum physics proves that there IS an afterlife, claims scientist

Quantum physics proves that there IS an afterlife, claims scientist

Most scientists would probably say that the concept of an afterlife is either nonsense, or at the very least unprovable.Yet one expert claims he has evidence to confirm an existence beyond the grave – and it lies in quantum physics.Professor Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know it is [...]

November 16, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Vedic Wisdom behind eating with your hands

Vedic Wisdom behind eating with your hands

Eating food with the hands in today’s Western society can sometimes be perceived as being unhygienic, bad mannered and primitive. However within Indian culture there is an old saying that " eating food with your hands feeds not only the body but also the mind and the spirit". [...]

May 15, 2012 Rajesh Patel Archives, Spirituality/Culture 3

Hinduism, Not Simply a Monotheistic Religion

Hinduism, Not Simply a Monotheistic Religion

Hinduism is not simply another monotheistic religion, as a few groups seem to be implying today. [...]

May 13, 2012 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights 4

Evolution : A Hindu Perspective

Evolution : A Hindu Perspective

Evolution and Science Modern science recognizes an evolution of form in the world of nature as the dominant movement of life. It notes how the bodies of different creatures adapt over time, becoming more complex and sophisticated through succeeding generations, with new species arising that demonstrate important advances in structure and function over what went [...]

May 10, 2012 Vamadev Shastri Spirituality/Culture 1

Sri Aurobindo : India’s Greatest Mystical Visionary

Sri Aurobindo : India’s Greatest Mystical Visionary

Sri Aurobindo was one of the greatest philosophers, revolutionary ,mystics and visionaries of modern history. He was a major leader in India's freedom movement. Later in life he became a sage and scholar. His teachings have attracted many people from all around the world. The ashram that he founded is still thriving today, and centres [...]

May 8, 2012 Rajesh Patel Archives, History 7

Stealing Yoga and What Else ?

Stealing Yoga and What Else ?

India has now however rightfully made a move to patent Yoga asanas and will probably patent more of the indigenous Hindu practices in the years to come. [...]

May 5, 2012 HHR The Yoga Snatchers 3

Yogic Ecology and Mother Earth..

Yogic Ecology and Mother Earth..

For the Hindus the Earth is sacred as the very manifestation of the Divine Mother. She is Bhumi Devi, the Earth Goddess. One of the reasons that Hindus honor cows is that the cow represents the energies and qualities of the Earth, selfless caring, sharing and the providing of nourishment to all. Hindu prayers are [...]

April 30, 2012 Vamadev Shastri Dharmic Ecology 1
HHR News