Actor Will Smith is in India. The Hollywood star with Hindu style mala and RSS type shorts was spotted at the Mumbai airport on Saturday with a a few Hindus, interacting and smiling while speaking to others. This marks Will Smith’s first public appearance since the Oscars ‘saffron’ slap controversy. He was seen waving to [...]
Hollywood actor Will Smith who was in India, made a quick trip to Haridwar and Rishikesh earlier in the week. During his two-day stay in the city, the 'Men In Black' actor performed a rudrabhishek while in Haridwar and also participated in the Ganga aarti at Rishikesh. [...]
In his interview with the media, Will Smith revealed a shocking fact that he is immensely influenced by Bhagavad Gita and read 90% of it. He also said that he has a high influence of Arjuna on him. [...]