Nothing surprising with its history of Hinduphobic racism the BBC who was the first to promote that fraud, Mother Teresa, now promoting Christian Yoga divorcing Yoga from its Indigenous Hindu roots as Yoga spreads across the world. They think having a nonwhite or even a Gunga Din Indian fronting their report hides their Hinduphobic racism [...]
With the ongoing popularity of Yoga across the world, the Hinduphobes from the left to the right see a major threat from Hindu spirituality via yoga pants and mats becoming even more popular across the world which for decades has opened the big debate on ‘is yoga rooted in Hinduism or is it from outside [...]
a whole industry has grown up in the name of ‘secularism’, ‘progress’ and ironically ‘tolerance’ to disassociate yoga from being Hindu. In this warped universe, Hinduism and the term Hindu only gets associated with Sati, caste, rape, human sacrifice and other ‘savagery'. [...]
Yoga has become a diverse phenomenon throughout the world from spiritual gurus and meditation methods to physical fitness programs. Yet there is no doubt that Yoga as a term and as a movement overall has its roots in the Hindu and Vedic tradition over the last several thousand years and its prime texts like the [...]
June 9, 2015
Vamadev Shastri
Archives, Spirituality/Culture
What is Yoga? Hinduism. Some 5,000 years ago, there were people living in a place which came to be known as the (H)indus river valley. It was these (H)indus that created the religious language known as Sanskrit. The Sanskrit/Hindu word “Yoga” means: “Yuj Atman Brahman ca,” (“To yoke to one’s individual Soul and Soul Source.”) [...]