Monday 10th February 2025,
HHR News

The Seven Heavens and The Wheel

The Seven Heavens and The Wheel

A man died and went to heaven as a result of his good acts in life. God showed him all the beauties of Heaven. When He had finished, the man said, ‘Oh, Lord, all this is delightful beyond imagination. But is there no greater Heaven than this?’

There is,’ said Vishnu and took the man higher up to the second Heaven which was a hundred times more enchanting than the first. ‘Are you satisfied now?’ asked Vishnu. ‘Yes,’ replied the Brahman, ‘But is there no higher Heaven than this?’

Yes,’ said Vishnu and took him to the third Heaven which was a hundred times more enchanting than the second. Even with this the man was not satisfied, but kept on inquiring whether there was no higher Heaven than the last one visited. So Vishnu took the man successively to the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh heavens, each of which was a hundred times more enchanting than the preceding one. At last, after showing the man round the seventh Heaven, Vishnu asked him, ‘Are you satisfied at least now?’

‘Let us go higher up,’ said the man. ‘Alright,’ said Vishnu and took the man above the seventh Heaven.

There was nothing there but the wheel of existence on which turned the universe. As soon as the man went up, his shoulders stuck to the cosmic wheel and he was unable to extricate himself.

‘Infinite greed will lead to endless misery,’ said Vishnu and disappeared.

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