Abhijit Iyer-Mitra and Abhinav Prakash discuss the unchecked racism and Hinduphobia in western universities.But also the BJP is exposed as the total cowards which reflects the vast majority of Hindus
Of course, we Hindus the largest remaining Indigenous people in the world support our Moari brothers and sisters on this. New Zealand’s parliament was briefly suspended on Thursday after Te Pati Maori MPs staged a [...]
In general, the Eastern understanding of time is very subtle, and perhaps is only matched by some of the most recent theories of modern science. That time is relative, is well recognized, and the fact [...]
If you’re living in any one of the major countries in this world and reading this article, chances are that you’re living under a lockdown of some sorts. While the definition of a lockdown may [...]
While atheism and Christianity may seem at polar opposites in mainstream discourse, the reality is that they are actually singing from the same hymn sheet when it comes to Hindus. The denigration of Hindu civilisation [...]
In this video, Professor Vamsee Juluri talks with author and International Studies professor Hindol Sengupta about the importance of indigenous perspectives of nature and ecological balance in the wake of the recent California fires. He [...]
A three-eyed calf has been rehomed in Leicester and renamed after a Hindu god after an animal sanctuary bought the animal, believed to be ‘special’, from a Welsh farmer. The unusual-looking calf made headlines in [...]