Sunday 09th February 2025,
HHR News

Video : Robert Clive Spins In His Grave After Indian Curry Delivery Man Turns Out To Be A Space Explorer

Video : Robert Clive Spins In His Grave After Indian Curry Delivery Man Turns Out To Be A Space Explorer

As we have said many times before there is no left or right when it comes to India and those savage pagan Hindus when the elements of the British media across the left and right have suddenly gone full colonial racist mode bonkers after learning India landed on the moon. We heard that hospitals are working overtime as emergency wards are full of British colonials coming in stretchers after having cardiac arrests while mumbling all types of Hinduphobic nonsense made worse as the doctors treating them are Indian.

When Chandrayaan-2 failed, Western media mocked India’s failed attempt to land on the moon. But the same media outlets have taken a complete U-turn after Chandrayaan-3’s successful landing on the moon.

After Chandrayaan-3’s successful landing on the moon, British anchor Patrick Christys asked India to return aid of £2.3 billion sent by the UK. Is the West not happy with Chandrayaan-3’s success? Molly Gambhir tells you more.


 The Hinduphobic racist filth known as the BBC going totally colonial in an old clip


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Video : Dr Koenraad Elst and Ranbir Discuss Hinduphobia Denial and Aryan Race Theories Outside Westminister

Use of the term ‘Hinduphobia’ – 1866-1997

16 documented cases of Racist Hinduphobia of The Economist

Time to speak up against the Hinduphobia of foreign writers




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