Friday 07th March 2025,
HHR News
Yoga Teacher Happy Over Trump Supporter Killed

A controversial post,

“Damn it he didn’t die. Well, at least one supporter did. I’ll take what I can get.”

by Yoga instructor Linda Peterson, owner of Luna Sheen Yoga in Port Charlotte, FL is causing a storm after she was unhappy that Donald Trump wasn’t killed but still was happy that one of his supporters, Corey Comperatore a firefighter was killed while shielding his daughters from the shooter. After praising the shooter she hopes further that someone takes out Donald Trump.

This is a good example of when Yoga is divorced from its Hindu roots, where even so-called Yoga teachers remain trapped in the material world of divisive politics of hate. Yes, we can all have our differences but if you are a teacher like Linda Peterson who is supposed to be a yoga teacher for 39 years
and makes a lot of money out of it then you should know better where raising everyone’s level of consciousness beyond all this division and hate is to connect the united oneness among us all is the real aim of Yoga and a message the USA needs desperately. That’s Dharma.

Otherwise, you are part of the problem rather than the solution even if you have a pic of Buddha behind you, who himself would be totally peeved off with such comments. She further makes it worse when she claims she’s talking from a religious perspective and not a political one. What ‘Hindutva’ ??? well we know Hinduism will get the blame as usual.

What’s worse is this also gives more ammo to those Hinduphobes out there claiming Yoga leads to satan and demonic forces meaning Hindu Gods and Goddesses to which this will be shown as proof.

This overall also shows that Hindu organizations need to be on the watch as Yoga continues to be used and abused as it has already been appropriated from its indigenous Hindu culture. Of course, everyone is welcome into Hindu practices but you have to show respect for it and also defend it when need be.

The good thing is other Yoga people have also called her out .

The anger continues..


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