Sunday 16th June 2024,
HHR News


Video : 1008 Hindu ladies in Facemasks Sing ‘Shiv Tandava Stotram’

Video : 1008 Hindu ladies in Facemasks Sing ‘Shiv Tandava Stotram’

To mark the occasion of International Women’s Day 1008 ladies assembled at  Kasi(Varnasi) and sang in Facemasks to Sing ‘Shiv Tandava Stotram’ while maintaining their distance and also wore face masks. To mark the occasion of International Women’s Day, one thousand Indian women recited the ‘Shiv Tandava Stotram’ at Assi Ghat in Varanasi. These women, [...]

April 19, 2021 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, News updates, World Focus 0

UK : Barber Saves Hindu Temple Carvings from Dump After left over from Hindus

UK : Barber Saves Hindu Temple Carvings from Dump After left over from Hindus

Beautiful carvings from a Hindu temple have been saved from the skip thanks to an art-loving hairdresser – but now donations are needed. Piero D’Angelico saw builders were working on the Old Library on Mill Road, which most recently had been used as a place of worship. After taking a look inside the former Bharat Bhavan temple, [...]

April 17, 2021 HHR Archives, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : Tulsi Gabbard on Persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh

Video : Tulsi Gabbard on Persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh

Hindus and religious minorities in Bangladesh continue to be targeted and persecuted, as they have been since 1971 when the Pakistani army systematically murdered, raped and drove from their homes millions of Bengali Hindus because of their religion and ethnicity. [...]

April 2, 2021 HHR Archives, Bangladesh, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

Bangladesh Protests Turn Violent As Hindu Temples Attacked, Train Damaged & Over A Dozen Dead

Bangladesh Protests Turn Violent As Hindu Temples Attacked, Train Damaged & Over A Dozen Dead

Violent protests in Bangladesh escalated as hundreds of members of a hardline Islamist group attacked Hindu temples and a train in eastern Bangladesh on Sunday [...]

March 30, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos 0

Video : Abhijit Iyer-Mitra Exposing Hindoo Cowardice The Root of all Problems

Video : Abhijit Iyer-Mitra Exposing Hindoo Cowardice The Root of all Problems

Abhijit Iyer-Mitra and Abhinav Prakash discuss the unchecked racism and Hinduphobia in western universities.But also the BJP is exposed as the total cowards which reflects the vast majority of Hindus [...]

March 20, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, World Focus 0

Video : Banned from Kodungallur Bhadrakali temple, Hindus give middle finger to police

Video : Banned from Kodungallur Bhadrakali temple, Hindus give middle finger to police

Hinduphobic Indian State (yes under the BJP) banned the ancient rituals at the Kodungallur Bhadrakali temple in Kerala and has deployed a police force to block the indigenous hindu devotees from performing same. In spite of that, devotees continue to arrive in groups and do the rituals in front of the Goddess. [...]

March 10, 2021 HHR Archives, HHR Videos 0

On relations between the old Slavic religion and the Vedic religion of India -Rastko Kostić) (Serbo-Croatian Version)

On relations between the old Slavic religion and the Vedic religion of India -Rastko Kostić) (Serbo-Croatian Version)

Od svih indo-evropskih naroda, Sloveni su oni koji danas zauzimaju najveću teritoriju, na evro-azijskom kontinentu. Takođe, Sloveni su najmnogoljudnija ento-lingvistička grupa na evropskom kontinentu. Danas ih ima oko 300 miliona. Slovenski narodi se tradicionalno dele na istočno-slovenske (Rusi, Belorusi, Ukrajinci), zapadno-slovenske (Poljaci, Česi, Slovaci, Lužički Srbi, Kašubi) i južno-slovenske (Srbi, Hrvati, Bošnjaci, Slovenci, Makedonci, Bugari). [...]

March 2, 2021 HHR Archives, Articles, Indigenous/Pagan Voice, World Focus 0

Video : 22 year old Indigenous Hindu killed by Far Right PFI in Kerala

Video : 22 year old Indigenous Hindu killed by Far Right PFI in Kerala

Nandu R Krishna (22), was brutally killed by members of outfit SDPI, which is the political face of PFI. The police have arrested 7 SDPI members who were directly involved in the murder and have made it clear that at least 25 people were connected with the murder. [...]

February 25, 2021 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, News updates, World Focus 0

Video : Indigenous Hindu Killed in Delhi by Far Right Abrahamic Supremacists

Video : Indigenous Hindu Killed in Delhi by Far Right Abrahamic Supremacists

26-year-old Rinku Sharma was stabbed in his house by a mob in front of his family members for raising donations towards the construction of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. According to a report by Hindi daily Jagran, police have arrested the four assailants, who entered Rinku’s house late on Wednesday night and killed him in [...]

February 11, 2021 HHR Archives, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

On relations between the old Slavic religion and the Vedic religion of India – Rastko Kostić

On relations between the old Slavic religion and the Vedic religion of India – Rastko Kostić

“And above all, don’t let us forget India, the cradle of the human race, or at least of that part of it to which we belong, where first Mohammedans, and then Christians, were most cruelly infuriated against the adherents of the original faith of mankind. The destruction or disfigurement of the ancient temples and idols, [...]

February 7, 2021 HHR Archives, Articles, Indigenous/Pagan Voice, News updates, World Focus 0
HHR News