With its history of Hinduphobic racist hate, the BBC the paedophile HQ always goes very colonial when it comes to India, where suddenly they start looking dressed up like Robert Clive with their subservient Indians as 'yes sahib' Gungadins. [...]
With its history of Hinduphobic racist hate, the BBC the paedophile HQ always goes very colonial when it comes to India, where suddenly they start looking dressed up like Robert Clive with their subservient Indians as 'yes sahib' Gungadins. [...]
A khalistani calls lord Hanuman 'first international terrorist' as other khalistanis cheer the hate speech against Hindus. "Hindus call Sant Bhindranwale Terrorist but world's first terrorist was Lord Hanuman who terrorized innocent civilians of Sri Lanka" He also went to Sri Lanka Without Visa- Khalistani in Manhattan, USA [...]
'Anti-India propaganda' - Why is foreign press facing anger in India? Amid furore over BBC docu-series, a look at international reports on India shows how West views India with a coloured glass. Be it G20 presidency, economy, or Pakistan, @poojashali exposes Western media bias against India. [...]
White Middle-class, privately educated, Oxbridge, well-off left-wing types who push a 'liberal' agenda would seem to be friends to all minority groups and persecuted peoples. But not with Hindus, where hatred of these backward 'pagan' types is as rampant as it did with the Portuguese Inquisition in Goa. The Guardian refuse constantly to engage with the [...]
The Independent newspaper was established in 1986, the founders intended its political stance to reflect the centre of the British political spectrum. However, it has been seen as left-leaning, a competitor to the liberal Guardian. What it also shares with the Guardian is its extreme anti-Hindu animus which compromises the very idea of it actually [...]
The latest example is a cartoon in the Guardian depicting Priti Patel and Boris Johnson as cows. The discourse around that is a classic example of medieval ‘witch hunting’ where an accusation of the ‘blasphemy’ of her ‘being a bully’ was made and out came the stereotype of a ‘bull’. The bull is an ancient [...]
There have been several news reports, analyses and opinion pieces published in important Western media outlets in the past few months about the ongoing elections in India. The New York Times, The Washington Post, the BBC, Time magazine, The Economist, and National Public Radio are among the news that media that have devoted much attention [...]
Whilst you and I, and a billion other people around the world rejoiced the historic visit of Prime Minister Shri Modiji to the UK, a more sinister and troubling underbelly of the Labour Party was exposed for all to see. Readers will be aware that well before the general elections I had exposed Labour and [...]
India’s government has rejected the findings of a report by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom that criticized the treatment of religious minorities since it came to power last year. The commission’s 2015 report said that since Narendra Modi’s party took over, religious minorities have been subject to derogatory comments by politicians linked [...]