Friday 07th March 2025,
HHR News

Audrey Truschke

Video : Hindus Hijack London Streets With Song And Dance

Video : Hindus Hijack London Streets With Song And Dance

Amongst the protests and mayhem by Hamas and Hezbollah supporters with reactions from the "British Patriots" and "far Right" for nearly a year in London before a nuclear war takes place, the Hindus have better things to do in the same city by dancing and singing bhajans as they celebrated the Jagannath Rath Yatra festival [...]

October 7, 2024 HHR Global Hindus, HHR Videos, News updates, Spirituality/Culture, World Focus 0

Video : The Good, the Bad and the Brahmin ?

Video : The Good, the Bad and the Brahmin ?

Director Sergio Leone, famous for several classic movies including spaghetti westerns like, For A few Dollars More, A Fistful Of Dollars, or The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, and others. Even though being apolitical, his movies often revolved around powerful 'evil capitalists' villains oppressing poor workers with hired mercenaries and bandits. [...]

July 22, 2023 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

American Sociologist Exposes Obama The Tool For US Establishment

American Sociologist Exposes Obama The Tool For US Establishment

As pointed out the video that Obama is not alone in his ridiculous remarks but is only reflecting the American establishment agenda. Remember the US Christian lobby also did play a big part in getting Modi banned and is in bed with Islamists who then influence and fund the political, academic, NGOs and US political [...]

June 26, 2023 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, News updates, World Focus 0

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part 4 – White Savior Selfie Complex

Civilising the ‘Hindoo’ Savage : Part 4 – White Savior Selfie Complex

when it comes to India, that white messiah complex is not just dominant, but the prevailing narrative. Just like the missionary David Livingstone who spoke of coming from a superior race to uplift heathen Africa with the Bible, this White Man’s Burden is the only allowed narrative with regards to Hindus. While the racist Hamitic [...]

August 2, 2018 Ranbir Singh Analysis/Insights, Archives, World Focus 0
HHR News