#BBCOnTrial #BBCMuktBharat #DefundTheBBC #DeporttheBBC #BBCDocumentary. Welcome to the official worldwide release of ‘BBC On Trial’, a ground-breaking documentary that exposes the truth behind the BBC’s history of disinformation and media bias. Produced by the Global Hindu Federation (GHF) and presented by Pt. Satish K. Sharma, this compelling film delves into the ways the BBC has [...]
After recently being exposed and caught out as a propaganda machine for jihadist caliphate imperialism over its hate against Jews, the pedo BBC now comes under focus for its long history of Hinduphobic racist hate often fronted by their loyal brown colonised slaves with a documentary coming out soon. ‘BBC On Trial’ Trailer Launched, Gets [...]
If things could not get even funnier then here we come across another white privileged expert Edward Anderson, Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in History @NorthumbriaUni . History/Politics of India & Britain, migration & diasporas. Previously @Cambridge_Uni writing about the dangers in his new book ‘Hindu Nationalism in the Indian Diaspora’. What next ? he will [...]
Netflix continues with its Hinduphobic agenda . On Jun 20, 2024, several protestors gathered in front of the Netflix Headquarters building, urging them to not release their new series Maharaj which promotes a hinduphobic narrative along with bashing Krishna . Here Shree Iyer talks to the protesters , PGurus Video : Benisha Mudhi (Modi) The [...]
One thing these Hinduphobes always know that they can always rely on are these spineless Indians often from Hindu backgrounds who will never speak out against Hinduphobic roles and film narratives but like the submissive slaves they are, will go and act and participate in such movies or serials. And they honestly think they are [...]
India being the homeland of the largest remaining indigenous people on the planet known as Hindus don’t have to be told what to do or who they want in their country especially why those religious ideologies that led to mass genocides, enslavement, and forced conversions of the indigenous Hindu people to later tear the country [...]
The Independent newspaper was established in 1986, the founders intended its political stance to reflect the centre of the British political spectrum. However, it has been seen as left-leaning, a competitor to the liberal Guardian. What it also shares with the Guardian is its extreme anti-Hindu animus which compromises the very idea of it actually [...]