Monday 17th February 2025,
HHR News

Neo Colonial Hinduphobic Racist Exposes The Dreaded HHR Heathens

Neo Colonial Hinduphobic Racist Exposes The Dreaded HHR Heathens

If things could not get even funnier then here we come across another white privileged expert Edward Anderson, Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) in History  @NorthumbriaUni . History/Politics of India & Britain, migration & diasporas. Previously @Cambridge_Uni  writing about the dangers in his new book  ‘Hindu Nationalism in the Indian Diaspora’. What next ? he will follow this up with proof that the earth is flat because he walked on a flat concrete pavement outside.?

Thanks to these self-promoted ‘ experts’ one sees how widespread Hinduphobic racism is still flourishing across the academia and media from as far back as colonial times to present times as normal. And as expected they get over-praised by the brown-faced colonised subservient Gunga Dins kissing their feet.

So how dare the heathen uncivilized pagan Hindus even question their god-given authority?

In our experience going over two decades even raising the human rights of Hindus is shouted down as ‘Hindutva’  meaning imaginary Hindu nationalism’ which after a while makes you realize that just like their racist forefathers they don’t even class you as human so what human rights are you talking about mate?

The irony is that the term Hinduphobia was coined in the UK during colonial times in 1866, in a work by Edward Sullivan, and then further in use in the media during the 1880s proving even people at that time were aware of the extreme prejudices Hindus faced but to these modern day ‘progressive ‘liberal’ left-wing whites’ it’s all made up as its Hindu pagan heathen supremacy planning to take over the world like the aliens in the movie A Quiet Place .

And according to his white privilege,

“transnational Hindutva (new pronoun ?) cannot simply be viewed as an export: this phenomenon has evolved and been shaped into an important aspect of diasporic identity,”

which he refers to as New Wave Hindutva like the bands of the 70s and 80s where we had New Order but now Saffron New Order Or the Psychedelic Furs now the Saffrondelic Furs?  or the Stranglers Now the Saffron Thuggee Stranglers?

Of course, as part of this new wave Hindutva he mentions Hindu Human Rights soon to be in concert at Wembley Stadium with tickets running out fast as global Hindtuva spreads.

Here Ranbir exposes him further..

1. Neo racist of the left Edward Anderson expects Hindus to be submissive and conform to colonialist stereotypes.


is part of the new wave of racism and #hinduphobia


Use of the term ‘Hinduphobia’ – 1866-1997

Video : Hinduphobia – A Media Studies Perspective by Professor Vamsee Juluri

Video : ‘ Hinduphobia is a Crime’ Protest at the Guardian Newspaper HQ, London

Video : Outside The Guardian HQ : The Hub of the Hinduphobic Virus
The ‘Guardian’ of Hinduphobic Racism Exposed

Video : Far Right Islamist In UK Who Calls Out For Murdering Non-Believers : So where Are The Guardian, The Independent Or BBC?

‘White’ Liberals Crying Over The Trampling And Banning Of Pride Flags By Muslims

The Churchill Syndrome : The Beastly People (Hindus) With a Beastly (Hinduism) Religion



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