Some Hindus these days think we should stop using the Hindu label as an identity because its origins are foreign. Regretfully even some Hindu gurus and swamis have joined the fray by also expressing their reservations about its feasibility for the Hindu community worldwide. However, on closer reflection any idea of ditching the term ‘Hindu’ [...]
Hindu Humans Rights Exposure on influential Christian Solidarity Worldwide and its sinister agenda Against Hindus and India which could lead to civil war. [...]
In 2004 Hindu Human Rights Group contacted the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation )over its tabloid programme Secret Swami which portrayed India’s venerated Guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba in an ill founded, malicious light. However this elicited no response from BBC and it is interesting to note that the aforementioned documentary by journalist Tanya Datta is [...]
Whenever Hindus try and speak out on any issue they are constantly lambasted as fascist, fundamentalist and pro-caste. This is a speciality of the unholy axis between Christian hatecore groups and Marxists in their joint strategy for blaming all India ’s problems on Hinduism. While to many it would seem strange how hardcore atheists would [...]
February 14, 2012
Ranbir Singh
Analysis/Insights, Archives
looking at the psychology behind the widespread tendency of many Hindu-inspired spiritual or yoga groups to vehemently deny any connections with Hinduism. Some years ago while on holiday in California, I went to a charity cultural show type thing organised by the local Hindu community and after the main event there was a dinner and [...]
Most racist and colonialist viewpoints of non-European cultures and history are now regarded as outdated. They are recognised as not giving an objective view consistent with responsible academic study, but merely the vehicle by which one was able to peddle the prejudices by what we can now see was a less enlightened age. [...]
London was graced with the singular exhibition on the fate of the Kashmiri Hindus at the hands of Islamic extremists at the Commonwealth Club in the Strand on 28th -29th June 2004. It was hosted by the Indo-European Kashmir Forum led by Sunil Bakshi. London was graced with the singular exhibition on the fate of [...]
Among various interviews we have done over the years but this one gives a background to the HHR group and how it started. It also covers the problems most Hindus are facing even now. It was done for The Hindu Renaissance Magazine which unfortunately has now long gone out of publication itself... [...]
Hindu Human Rights Group (HHR) is deeply concerned by the anti-Hindu bias recently displayed by the entire British media and in particular by the Independent Newspaper and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). [...]