Wednesday 19th February 2025,
HHR News


The Hindu Concept of Time : Part One

The Hindu Concept of Time : Part One

In general, the Eastern understanding of time is very subtle, and perhaps is only matched by some of the most recent theories of modern science. That time is relative, is well recognized, and the fact that the scale of time need not be the same everywhere is acknowledged. The time of the Gods for example, [...]

September 7, 2017 Guest Author Analysis/Insights, Archives, Hinduism and the World of Science, Spirituality/Culture 0

The Ancestors: Secret Doorway to Health and Healing.

The Ancestors: Secret Doorway to Health and Healing.

In fact, Yoga/Hinduism is one of the few (if not only major tradition) surviving to this day that still highly favors honoring one’s ancestors. While it is somewhat understandable as to why the modern mind would ask the question, ‘what is the value of honoring the ancestors?’ In reality, the answer to this [...]

September 21, 2016 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Parenting and the Karmic link between Generations

Parenting and the Karmic link between Generations

When my son (who at the time of writing is 4 years old) was born, I felt connected with the vastness of eternity in a way that I had never felt before. Having a a child of your own is an amazing experience – seeing someone who looks like you playing, learning, being mischievous in [...]

March 29, 2015 Rajesh Patel Spirituality/Culture 0

Is it OK to “leave justice to Karma” ?

Is it OK to “leave justice to Karma” ?

When someone harms you or someone to whom you have a sense of responsibility, getting suitable justice, or ensuring that the perpetrator is punished is not always easy. In Hinduism we have the concept of karma, so if justice is not easy to come by there is a temptation to feel that even if we [...]

March 17, 2015 Rajesh Patel Analysis/Insights, Archives 0

Why Western Women Embrace Hinduism ? Part 1

Why Western Women Embrace Hinduism ?  Part 1

Since time immemorial there have been strong and influential Western women who have been drawn to and been inspired by Hinduism, and who have taken up the mantle of Hindu Dharma, becoming great leaders, swaminis, and gurus as keepers and vanguards of this ancient culture. [...]

March 7, 2015 HHR Archives, Spirituality/Culture, World Focus 1

Do We Need a Reform of Hinduism?

Do We Need a Reform of Hinduism?

In these last centuries the world has changed remarkably, and today we are facing even deeper and wider changes than ever – changes we cannot avoid, because human society is becoming increasingly globalized.The history of Vedic tradition teaches us that as human beings, we have the power to participate in this change responsibly, by directing [...]

May 8, 2013 Mataji Parama Karuna Devi Spirituality/Culture 0

The Mechanics of Karma

The Mechanics of Karma

Karma as destiny and retribution The word karma has entered the vocabulary of all the modern languages and has become a household word, but often its meaning is trivialized and distorted due to cultural superimpositions and lack of proper information. It is generally used with the meaning of “destiny”, and sometimes “retribution” or punishment. In [...]

May 4, 2013 Mataji Parama Karuna Devi Understanding hinduism 0

Does the Rig-Veda Mention Reincarnation or not ? : Part 2

Does the Rig-Veda Mention Reincarnation or not ? : Part 2

Pandit Vamadev Shastri shows how western academics and Indologists lack the insight to the deeper meanings behind Vedic Symbolic Language used in the Vedas to come to their conclusions. The Twofold Modern Denigration of the Vedas: Historical and Spiritual The nineteenth era marked a twofold assessment of Vedic culture that arose from western scholars and [...]

April 4, 2013 Vamadev Shastri Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

Does the Rig-Veda Mention Reincarnation or not ? : Part 1

Does the Rig-Veda Mention Reincarnation or not ? : Part 1

Dr Koenraad Elst puts forward his view there is no mention of Reincarnation in the Rig Veda. We will follow this up in part 2 to see if if it is mentioned : No rebirth in the Rg-Veda In my article about Sati, I had written that Sati dates back to the time when the [...]

April 4, 2013 Dr Koenraad Elst Analysis/Insights, Archives 2

Lessons In Karma : Lord Garuda and the Tiny Bird

Lessons In Karma : Lord Garuda and the Tiny Bird

High in the reaches of Mount Kailash is the abode of Lord Shiva. One evening Lord Vishnu, came to see Shiva. He left behind at the entrance Garuda, the half-man, half-eagle composite, who served as his vehicle. Garuda sat alone, marveling at the natural splendor of the place. Suddenly his eyes fell on a beautiful [...]

October 13, 2012 HHR Hindu Wisdom 0
HHR News