Saturday 26th October 2024,
HHR News


Video : “The Trouble With India Is That It’s Full Of Hindus ” – Edward Longshanks

Video : “The Trouble With India Is That It’s Full Of Hindus ” – Edward Longshanks

Actually, the title of the article is intentionally misquoted  “The trouble with Scotland is that it’s full of Scots” as said by King Edward 1st also known as Edward Longshanks is from a scene in the movie Braveheart but the intentional misquote does apply to the western Hinduphobic establishment replacing longshanks while the Scots with [...]

July 25, 2023 HHR Analysis/Insights, HHR Videos, News updates, The Yoga Snatchers, World Focus 0

Video – Hinduphobia Tour Report : (SOAS) University of London

Video – Hinduphobia Tour Report : (SOAS) University of London

#Hinduphobia #Hindubashing #SOAS SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies. Anyone who has had the privilege of studying at this unique University of London institution can attest to how special this place is. Here you will find specialists in the languages, cultures, societies and religions of Africa and Asia, carrying out research and teaching in [...]

August 21, 2021 HHR Archives, Global Hindus, HHR Videos, Hinduphobia, News updates, World Focus 0

HHR Video: BJP 4 Years : The Good , The Bad and The Ugly

HHR Video: BJP 4 Years : The Good , The Bad and The Ugly

HHR met up with Dr Koenraad Elst at (SOAS) London University (hangout of hinduphobic academics) He gave an overview while sitting by Sage Thiruvalluvar on the 4 years of the BJP so far. -Noise due to drunkard students in background in bar [...]

September 29, 2018 HHR Analysis/Insights, Archives, HHR Videos, News updates 0

HHR Video : Solidarity Against ISIS Protest in London

HHR Video : Solidarity Against ISIS Protest in London

HHR  were part of the protest in London to express our solidarity with the Êzidî (Yezidi) minority facing genocide against the ISIS jihadis, and also the terror unleashed on Kurds, Shias, Christians, Assyrians, Turcoman, and others in Iraq by this unfolding tragedy. HHR was formed to highlight persecution of Hindus worldwide and as such has always defended the rights of other groups facing [...]

August 24, 2014 HHR HHR Activities/Press releases, HHR Videos 0

Notorious Wendy Doniger hosted by the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

Notorious Wendy Doniger hosted by the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies

“On Hinduism is a treat. For those who already know and admire Wendy Doniger’s work, this is a handy (if hefty) compendium of many of her essays…. For those who are reading her for the first time, the book is a marvellous introduction to the multiple ways that Hinduism can be approached and understood through [...]

December 1, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights 4

Anti-Hindu and Red All Over

Anti-Hindu and Red All Over

If India ’s academia is dominated by Stalinist professors with their inflexible Marxist dogma, how does this reflect upon how people outside the country view Hinduism? In India secularism is a strange beast which constantly warns of the threats which Hindu fundamentalism and fascism pose to the very fabric of democracy yet having the gall [...]

October 3, 2013 HHR Analysis/Insights 2
HHR News