Thursday 06th February 2025,
HHR News

Video : Pennywise Doing Diwali Puja As Its On The Same Day As Halloween

Video : Pennywise Doing Diwali Puja As Its On The Same Day As Halloween

As Diwali and Halloween fall on the same day, Instagram content  Creator soflo_amelia has angered Hindus over a video where the demonic Pennywise the Clown from IT is doing Diwali puja with the Gayatri mantra in the background on Halloween. Hinduism is already portrayed as demonic and satanic by the church so even if this video is for fun according to the creator it adds more to the Hinduphobia hate that’s rising  as  Parama Devi  Founder and Director at Jagannatha Vallabha Vedic Research Center further calls out Hindus –

“(Omissis) Can Hindus take action against Instagram for promoting such reels, even after they’ve been reported and not yet banned?”

Social media are private enterprises that retain complete control over the administration of their contents and account holders. This means that they have unquestionable power over their domain and independent discretion over any action they want to take about removing contents or banning accounts. Furthermore, actual on-the-field decisions in that regard are taken by operators who are rarely controlled by the higher management echelons, and are therefore free to act according to their own ideological persuasion. However, the general tendency of operators and managers is to appease powerful and vocal lobbies and keep them happy.

Furthermore, social media are officially and legally based (ie having headquarters) in countries whose government are not Hindu friendly or properly informed about the actual Hindu Vedic model. Just have a look at their public school textbooks. The attempts of Hindu activists at improving the situation have been feeble and inconsistent.

In fact, the most effective thing we can do in regard to offensive contents on social media (reporting them is hardly ever useful) is to AVOID SPREADING THE OFFENSIVE CONTENTS because the stupid algorythm will PROMOTE SUCH REELS even more IF WE CIRCULATE THEM, because it will categorize them as more INTERESTING and successful, and therefore “good for their business”.

On the other hand, we should make efforts to become more proficient at “riding the tiger” by circulating GOOD CONTENTS, meaning supporting presentations that are favorable to Hinduism and show Hinduism in a favorable light, effective in making people more favorable to Hinduism. Did I say “favorable”? I certainly did.

To be actually effective in that regard, our presentations need to be easily UNDERSTANDABLE by all, especially non-Hindus.

We need logical, practical, simple language that people can relate to, especially through daily life examples. We don’t need wannabe big scholars who want to impress the naive audience by the obscurity of their language or sensationalism of their imaginative theories or opinions (unsupported by actual shastra). Any presentation that is inconsequential or unverifiable is simply not helping.

Enough with the bitching moaning and whining, the blaming and hate mongering, that are characteristics of TAMAS GUNA. Let’s give solid useful and proactive information and proposals, and demonstrate the theory in practice ourselves, through good example by living in accord to dharma and vidya.

Enough with blindly and savagely attacking those who WANT TO BE FAVORABLE TO HINDUISM but happen to be born “white”, “westerner”, “foreigner”. Enough with pampering and worshiping actual enemies of Hinduism and trying to imitate them in supporting adharma and avidya. Let’s start to correctly distinguish between snakes and ropes, instead of spreading foolish and detrimental prejudice based on gross bodily identification (sthula buddhi). Let’s accept truth with a truly open mind: recognizing a problem is the first crucial step towards really solving it.

Unfortunately, we must recognize that at present Hindus are not very effective in presenting themselves as a powerful and vocal lobby, or even as a reasonably acceptable ideological position.

Even Hindu activists in the highest organizational positions are woefully ineffective and often counterproductive. They are not interested in STRATEGY and very few are really dedicated to the cause, or even have a clear vision on the basics.

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Video : What is Media ‘Propaganda’ Studies ?

Video : Hinduphobia in Pop Culture – Vamsee Juluri

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Video : Hinduphobia – A Media Studies Perspective by Professor Vamsee Juluri

Use of the term ‘Hinduphobia’ – 1866-1997


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