Monday 17th February 2025,
HHR News
Video : What is Media ‘Propaganda’ Studies ?

Professor Vamsee’s Video Series Introduces Media Studies to Everyone


Hindus who want to effectively fight Hinduphobia should realize that a lot of armchair Hindu activists simply swing between complaining about how the media is lying about Hinduism and then suddenly falling flat for the occasional flattery from the same Hinduphobes that pats Hindus on the head for being rich and well-behaved minorities. The Hinduphobes KNOW that Hindus are not serious when they complain about Hinduphobia in the media.
But one way to be taken seriously is to get properly educated about the way media studies works. In this series of short, ten minute videos, Professor Vamsee Juluri explains the key approaches and landmark research studies in the field of media studies, starting from the famous mass panic caused by Orson Welles’s radio production of the War of the Worlds in 1939, to present-day concerns about animal suffering, the environment, globalization and political polarization. 

These videos are not directly about Hinduphobia (for that, you can see Prof. Juluri’s talk with Sangam Talks posted on HHR earlier) but media awareness should be a part of every Hindu child, youth and parent’s training to survive in the modern world. As long as you see the content of media, whether it is Instagram or TV or movies or news or ads, as just entertainment or timepass, you are allowing yourself to be invaded and manipulated in ways you can’t even imagine. Would you take a pill or a health supplement without checking the ingredients? The same way, a dose of media studies awareness will help you become a more critical consumer of media and let you fight propaganda and lies, whether it is about Hinduism, or anything else too. 

Part  1

Video : Hinduphobia in Pop Culture – Vamsee Juluri

Time to speak up against the Hinduphobia of foreign writers

Video : Hinduphobia – A Media Studies Perspective by Professor Vamsee Juluri

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